

WebGPU Webpack Starter

A starter template for WebGPU development that uses webpack to build the code and manage dependencies. You'll also need node.js installed for package management and running tasks.

Getting Started

After cloning the repo run

npm install

To install webpack, then you can run the serve task and point your browser to localhost:8080:

npm run serve

Where you should see the page shown below.

To deploy your application, run:

npm run deploy

Then you can copy the content of the dist/ directory to your webserver. You can build a development distribution by running npm run build.

If everything's working you should see this page in your browser when you run the application:

<img width="1147" alt="Expected output of the starter template" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1522476/133895532-03f84dbd-bb3a-4c74-ab9d-fd74506c3a74.png">