

Aurelia Meteor

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Aurelia and Meteor power combined.Use Jade and html-minify to speed up your works.

This package adds SystemJS Module Loader to your project. It bundle with meteor-systemjs as default.

You must remove blaze-html-templates and spacebars packages because this package will handle *.html files. Just use:

$ meteor remove blaze-html-templates spacebars



use .au.js for compatible

You can mix these things if your wish.

If you want use typescript, you can add meteor-typescript package to you meteor app project. Get corresponding definition files of Aurelia here

change log






Quick start

  1. Install Meteor $ curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
  2. Create a new meteor app using $ meteor create myapp or navigate to the root of your existing app
  3. Install Aurelia and meteor-typescript:
$ meteor remove blaze-html-templates spacebars
$ meteor add tsumina:meteor-aurelia
$ meteor add tsumina:meteor-typescript  # if you need typescript support



Aurelia use conventions to keep code simple and clean, to bootstrap a aurelia app you need a index.html (in the root of an Meteor app), include:

  <div aurelia-app="client/main"></div>


The aurelia-app="client/main" attribute points to the Aurelia configuration file named main, which is main.sys.js.

Assume you use es6 js and html template. In the client folder create main.sys.js and insert:

export function configure(aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot('client/app'));

The main.sys.js is the file where the configuration is done to bootstrap Aurelia.

In this case the main file tells where the entry point of the app is located ('client/app'), which means go look for the app.html, app.sys.js pair.

By convention Aurelia uses view/view-model pairs of the same name.

In the client folder, create app.html and insert:

  <input type="text" placeholder="Your name" value.bind="name">
  <h2>Hello ${name}!</h2>

Then create app.sys.js and insert:

export class App {
    this.name = "";

Infact, you can use SystemJS Module loader on both client/server. Simple write code like this(the root of an Meteor app):

  <div aurelia-app="client/main"></div>
if (Meteor.isClient) {

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    // some codes


Create Package

See the example here.


meteor-aurelia and meteor-typescript compile files with their package name as root path. If codes not in a package, package name is null, for example: main.sys.js

export function configure(aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot('client/app'));

to main.js

System.register("client/main",[], function (_export) {
  'use strict';  
  _export('configure', configure);  
  function configure(aurelia) {  
    aurelia.start().then(function (a) {
      return a.setRoot('client/app'); 

  return { 
    setters: [], 
    execute: function () {} 

Now assume the main.sys.js in a package named yourname:package-name. In this case, the package name will be used as the root path. main.js

System.register("yourname:package-name/client/main",[], function (_export) {
  'use strict';  
  _export('configure', configure);  
  function configure(aurelia) {  
    aurelia.start().then(function (a) {
      return a.setRoot('client/app'); 

  return { 
    setters: [], 
    execute: function () {} 

So if you create a aurelia package with a entry index.sys.js at your package root, Name your package yourname:package-name, and want other users load it like


you should add a lib/init.js file to you package sources with content:

System.registerDynamic("yourname:package-name", ["yourname:package-name/index"], true, function($__require, exports, module) {
  var global = this,
      __define = global.define;
  global.define = undefined;
  module.exports = $__require('yourname:package-name');
  global.define = __define;
  return module.exports;

Copyright and license

Code and documentation © 2015 TsumiNa Released under the MIT license.