

TrueBlocks Docs

Deploy Hugo Site

Repo for the TrueBlocks.io website.

Note: There is only a main branch which is protected. Make any PRs against this branch and we will review and merge if approriate.

Contributing to the docs

To develop on this site, you need yarn and hugo.

To run locally, clone the repo then:

yarn install
hugo serve --ignoreCache --disableFastRender

Open your browser to the local copy.

Important directories

How to add menu items

Open up config/_default/menus.toml.

Main sections

name = "NewSection"
url = "/newsection/"
weight = 10

The more "weight", the farther to the left.

You must also add a corresponding file in layouts for your new section.

Adding new pages

Add you pages to the content folder:

The new page uses the default layout. If you need to use "list" mode, add layout: single in the front matter.

If you need a different layout for the pages, create a new directory in layouts using the same name as in content folder.


We love contributors. Please see information about our work flow before proceeding.

  1. Fork this repository into your own repo.
  2. From the main branch, create a new branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make changes to your local branch and commit them to your forked repo: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push back to the original branch: git push origin TrueBlocks/trueblocks-docs
  5. Create the pull request.


If you have questions, comments, or complaints, please join the discussion on our discord server which is linked from our website.

List of Contributors

Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project: