

node-fast: streaming JSON RPC over TCP

Fast is a simple RPC protocol used in Joyent's Triton and Manta systems, particularly in the Moray key-value store. This README contains usage notes. For developers, see CONTRIBUTING.md.

This module includes:

This rewrite was done to fix a number of issues with service discovery and connection management in the previous node-fast client. Service discovery and connection management in this client are managed by the caller using something like cueball.

The library interfaces here follow Joyent's Best Practices for Error Handling. In particular, all operational errors are emitted asynchronously. It is a programmer error to call any of the public APIs with missing or incorrectly-typed arguments. All arguments are required unless otherwise specified.


Start the Fast server:

$ fastserve -p 2030 > server.log &

Use fastcall to invoke the date RPC method inside the client:

$ fastcall 2030 date '[]'

Or try the yes method, an RPC version of yes(1):

$ fastcall 2030 yes '[ { "value": { "hello": "world" }, "count": 3 } ]'

For an example client and server, see the fastcall and fastserve programs.


The Fast protocol is intended for internal systems. It does not support authentication. Neither the client nor server implementations are hardened against byzantine behavior (e.g., denial-of-service attacks), though they are expected to correctly handle all network-related failure modes and byzantine input.

Previous implementations of the Fast protocol supported cancellation, but it was dangerous to use with servers that did not support it, and there was no way to tell if the server did support it. As a result, this implementation does not support cancellation of in-flight requests. (There's an abandon() function in the client API, but it only causes the request stream to fail. The underlying RPC continues executing and incoming messages are ignored.)

Early versions of the original node-fast module used a buggy CRC implementation. Since changing the CRC algorithm would require a flag day among deployed components, this module continues to use the buggy CRC implementation.


Kang server

The Fast client and server provide functions suitable for use with kang, a small library for exposing debugging information over an HTTP API.

The server-side kang functions report:

These enable basic monitoring of server activity and health. The connection and request state information allows you to see which clients are connected, how long they've been connected, and how long individual requests have been running, which is often helpful in identifying leaked or hung requests.

The client-side kang functions report per-client and per-request state and statistics.

The client and server only provide functions; you have to hook this up to a kang server. The built-in demo server ("fastserve") and benchmarking tool ("fastbench") demonstrate how to do that.

The Kang and metric collection (see below) functionality are served through the same restify server in "fastserve," but that is not required. Optionally, Kang can be served using the knStartServer function provided by the Kang library.

Metric Collection

The Fast client and server optionally collect some basic request metrics using node-artedi.

The metrics collected are:

You can pass an artedi-style metric collector into the Fast server or client constructor to enable metric collection. An example of how to do this for the server is included in the built-in demo server ("fastserve") and the benchmarking tool ("fastbench") includes a client example with metrics enabled.

DTrace probes

The Fast client and server provide DTrace probes and scripts in the "bin" directory that use these probes to show client and server activity. These scripts, the probes, and their arguments may change over time.

Fast client probes:

Probe nameEventArg0Arg1Arg2Arg3
rpc-startClient begins issuing an RPC call(int) Client identifier(int) Message identifier(string) RPC method name(json) object with "rpcargs" and optional "timeout".
rpc-dataClient receives 'data' message for outstanding RPC(int) Client identifier(int) Message identifier(json) Received data-
rpc-doneClient finishes processing RPC(int) Client identifier(int) Message identifier(json) May contain "error" describing any error that occurred.-

Fast client scripts in "bin" directory:

Note that the client identifier is only unique within a process, and the message identifier is only unique for a given client. Both are only unique over a given period of time (i.e., client ids and message ids may be reused). See the sample scripts for how to use these correctly.

Fast server probes:

Probe nameEventArg0Arg1Arg2Arg3
conn-createClient connection created(int) server identifier(int) client identifier(string) client label-
conn-destroyClient connection destroyed(int) server identifier(int) client identifier--
rpc-startServer starts processing an RPC call(int) server identifier(int) client identifier(int) request identifier(string) RPC method name
rpc-doneServer finishes processing an RPC call(int) server identifier(int) client identifier(int) request identifier-

Fast server script in "bin" directory:

Similar to the client, the server identifier is only unique within the process, and the request identifier is only unique within the client. See the sample scripts for how to use these correctly.

The client and server also use bunyan for logging. On systems with DTrace support, you can use runtime log snooping (bunyan -p) to observe what the client and server would be logging at the finest-grained log levels, even if you haven't enabled those.

Client API

Consumers of the client API are responsible for maintaining persistent connections to the server. The cueball module is recommended for this purpose. Clients pass connected sockets to the FastClient constructor:

FastClient class

A FastClient attaches to a Node net.Socket object. The FastClient makes RPC calls by sending Fast messages over the socket and reading responses in the form of Fast messages from the socket.

Constructor arguments:

collectorobjectartedi-style metric collector
metricLabelsobjectartedi-style metric labels to be added to every metric collected. Note: rpcMethod is a reserved label and will be ignored if included.
logobjectbunyan-style logger
transportnet.Socketunderlying TCP connection to the server
nRecentRequestspositive intnumber of recent requests to track for debugging purposes

While consumers are responsible for handling socket errors, the FastClient will watch the transport for error and end events in order to proactively fail any outstanding requests.

Public methods:

This class emits error when there's a problem with the underlying socket (other than an error emitted by the socket itself) that prevents any requests from completing. This would usually be a protocol error of some sort.

rpc(args): initiate an RPC request to the remote server

Named arguments:

rpcmethodstringname of the RPC method to invoke on the server
rpcargsarrayJSON-serializable array of RPC call arguments
timeoutinteger(optional) milliseconds after which to abandon the request if it has not already completed. The default is that there is no timeout.
logobject(optional) bunyan logger for this request. If not specified, a child logger of the client-level logger will be used.
ignoreNullValuesboolean(optional) if true, null data values will be accepted from the server and dropped. These are otherwise considered a protocol error.

The return value is an object-mode stream that consumers use to interact with the request. Objects sent by the server to the client are made available via this stream. The stream emits end when the server successfully completes the request. The stream emits error when the server reports an error, or if there's a socket error or a protocol error. Consumers need not proactively abandon requests that fail due to a socket error.

Keep in mind that with any distributed system, failure of an RPC request due to a socket error, protocol error, network failure, or timeout does not mean that the RPC did not complete successfully or even that it is not still running. The server may have successfully completed the request, or failed it for a different reason, or may still be running it when a network error occurs. Consumers must keep this in mind in designing RPC protocols and responses to failure.

As with other Node streams, the request stream will emit exactly one end or error event, after which no other events will be emitted.

rpcBufferAndCallback(args, callback): initiate an RPC request and buffer response

This is a convenience function for making RPC calls when the server is expected to return a bounded number of objects and the client doesn't intend to process the results in a streaming way. This function buffers up to maxObjectsToBuffer objects and invokes callback when the request is complete, as:

callback(err, data, ndata)


Note that data and ndata will always be present and valid, even if err is non-null, since some number of data objects may have been received before the request error.

Named arguments:

rpcmethodstringsee arguments to rpc()
rpcargsarraysee arguments to rpc()
timeoutintegersee arguments to rpc()
logobjectsee arguments to rpc()
maxObjectsToBuffernon-negative integermaximum number of received data objects that may be buffered. Subsequently received objects will be dropped. Callers can tell whether this happened by looking at the ndata argument to the callback.

request.abandon(): abandon an RPC request

Callers may invoke abandon() on the return value from rpc(args) to abandon the request. If the request is not yet complete, then it will emit an error indicating the abandonment, and no more data will be emitted.

This does not actually notify the server. The server will still process the request.

Additionally, the client will continue to maintain state about this request until whenever the request would have otherwise terminated (i.e., until the request completes normally, the client is detached from the transport, or there's a transport error). This can in principle result in holding onto a small amount of memory for some time. Since consumers are expected to identify and respond to transport errors (e.g., using TCP KeepAlive or the like), this should only be possible if the server itself has hung responding to the request, and the resources will be freed when the server is restarted or disappears (as detected by the underlying transport) or if the consumer drops its references to this Fast client.

detach(): detach client from underlying socket

This method causes the client to stop sending data on the socket and stop reading from the socket. Any outstanding RPC requests are failed as though the socket had emitted an error.

This can be used during a graceful shutdown (e.g., of a command-line tool) to tear down a Fast client and its associated socket. This could also be used if the caller wanted to stop using this particular client immediately (e.g., because the remote server is no longer registered in the caller's service discovery mechanism and should not be used any more).

Server API

FastServer class

Each FastServer instance wraps a net.Socket server socket. The server keeps track of clients connected to it.

Named arguments for the constructor:

logobjectbunyan-style logger
servernet.Socketunderlying server socket
collectorobjectartedi-style metric collector

Public methods:

registerRpcMethod(args): register an RPC method handler

Registers a JavaScript function to invoke for incoming RPC requests. Named arguments include:

rpcmethodstringname of the method, as clients will specify it when making RPC calls
rpchandlerfunctionJavaScript function to invoke for each incoming request

The RPC handler function will be invoked as rpchandler(rpc), where rpc is an RPC context object. This is a function-oriented interface for accessing information about the RPC, including the request identifier, method name, and arguments. It provides the following read-only methods:

The rpc object is also an object-mode stream that the handler can use to emit values and report request completion. Values are sent to the client by writing them to the stream. Flow control is supported, provided the handler follows conventions for that (i.e., using pipe() or checking the return value of write()). When the request has completed, the handler should end the stream with its end() method.

The handler should report failure by invoking rpc.fail(err), where err is an error describing the failure. The handler should not emit data or end the request gracefully after reporting an error.

close(): shut down the server

This method shuts down the server by disconnecting outstanding requests from their underlying connections and then destroying those underlying client sockets. The consumer should close the underlying server socket first in order to ensure no new connections will be created. Any newly-created connections will be dealt with, but without closing the server socket, there is no guarantee that this process will converge.

Since the interface for RPC handlers does not currently provide a way to inform those handlers that the request has been cancelled because of a case like this, handlers for outstanding requests continue as normal, and any data emitted is ignored. As a result, though, these handlers may continue running even after this function has been called and client sockets are destroyed.

onConnsDestroyed(callback): do work when all connections are destroyed

This method pushes its callback argument on a queue of work to be done the next time the FastServer connection count goes to zero. If the connection count is already zero when onConnsDestroyed is called, the callback is invoked immediately.

All callbacks pushed on the queue before the next time the connection count goes to zero are called in FIFO order the next time all connections are destroyed. Any callback pushed this way is called exactly once.

Protocol overview

The Fast protocol is intended for use with TCP. Typically, a Fast server listens for TCP connections on a well-known port, and Fast clients connect to the server to make RPC requests. Clients can make multiple connections to the server, but each connection represents a logically separate client. Communication between client and server consist of discrete messages sent over the TCP connection. Each message contains:

msgid32-bit integeridentifies messages related to a given request
status8-bit integerindicates what kind of message this is
dataraw JSON datadepends on message status

Messages have headers that include additional information, like payload length and checksum. The physical format is described in detail in lib/fast_protocol.js.

There are three allowed values for status:

Status valueStatus nameDescription
0x1DATAFrom clients, indicates an RPC request. From servers, indicates one of many values emitted by an RPC call.
0x2ENDIndicates the successful completion of an RPC call. Only sent by servers.
0x3ERRORIndicates the failed completion of an RPC call. Only sent by servers.

For all messages, the data field contains properties:

mobjectdescribes the RPC method being invoked
m.namestringname of the RPC method being invoked
m.utsnumber (optional)timestamp of message creation, in microseconds since the Unix epoch
dobject or arrayvaries by message status

In summary, there are four kinds of messages.

Client initiates an RPC request. The client allocates a new message identifier and sends a DATA message with data.m.name set to the name of the RPC method it wants to invoke. Arguments are specified by the array data.d. Clients may issue concurrent requests over a single TCP connection, provided they do not re-use a message identifier for separate requests.

Server sends data from an RPC call. RPC calls may emit an arbitrary number of values back to the client. To emit these values, the server sends DATA messages with data.d set to an array of non-null values to be emitted. All DATA messages for the same RPC request have the same message identifier that the client included in its original DATA message that initiated the RPC call.

Server completes an RPC call successfully. When an RPC call completes successfully, the server sends an END event having the same message identifier as the one in the client's original DATA message that initiated the RPC call. This message can contain data as well, in which case it should be processed the same way as for a DATA message.

Server reports a failed RPC call. Any time before an END message is generated for an RPC call, the server may send an ERROR message having the same message identifier as the one in the client's original DATA message that initiated the RPC call.

By convention, the m fields (m.name and m.uts) are populated for all server messages, even though m.name is redundant.

The RPC request begins when the client sends the initial DATA message. The RPC request is finished when the server sends either an ERROR or END message for that request. In summary, the client only ever sends one message for each request. The server may send any number of DATA messages and exactly one END or ERROR message.