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This repository is part of the Triton Data Center and Manta projects. For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main Triton and Manta project pages.

Mahi is the authentication cache. It has two components: the replicator and the server. The replicator pulls in account, user, role, group, and key information from UFDS and caches them in a local redis instance. The server is a restify server that talks to the redis instance.

Active Branches

There are currently two active branches of this repository, for the two active major versions of Manta. See the mantav2 overview document for details on major Manta versions.


GET /accounts/:accountid
GET /accounts?login=:accountlogin
GET /users/:userid
GET /users?account=x&login=y&fallback=true
GET /uuids?account=x&type=y&name=z1&name=z2
GET /names?uuid=x1&uuid=x2

Redis Schema

All data is stored in keys of the form /uuid/<uuid>. There are also mappings for login or name to uuid, and sets that contain full lists of uuids.

/uuid/<accountUUID> ->
    type: "account",
    uuid: <uuid>,
    keys: {keyfp: key},
    groups: [str],
    login: <login>,
    approved_for_provisioning: bool

/uuid/<userUUID> ->
    type: "user",
    uuid: <uuid>,
    account: <parentAccountUUID>,
    keys: {keyfp: key},
    roles: [roleUUID],
    defaultRoles: [roleUUID],
    login: <login>,

/uuid/<policyUUID> ->
    type: "policy",
    uuid: <uuid>,
    name: <name>,
    rules: [ [text, parsed], ..., [text, parsed] ],
    account: <parentAccountUUID>

/uuid/<roleUUID> ->
    type: "role",
    uuid: <uuid>,
    name: <name>,
    account: <parentAccountUUID>,
    policies: [policyUUID]

/account/<accountLogin> -> accountUUID
/user/<accountUUID>/<userLogin> -> userUUID
/role/<accountUUID>/<roleName> -> roleUUID
/policy/<accountUUID>/<policyName> -> policyUUID

/set/accounts -> set of accountUUIDs
/set/users/<account> -> set of userUUIDs
/set/roles/<account> -> set of roleUUIDSs
/set/policies/<account> -> set of policyUUIDs


Auth data from tests/data is loaded into a fake redis implemented in node for testing. Run make test.