

<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!-- Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc. -->


This repository is part of the Joyent Manta project. For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main Manta project page.

electric-moray is a Node-based service that provides the same interface as Moray, but which directs requests to one or more Moray+Manatee shards based on hashing of the Moray key.

Active Branches

There are currently two active branches of this repository, for the two active major versions of Manta. See the mantav2 overview document for details on major Manta versions.

Building and running

To run your own electric-moray from a copy of this repository, you'll want:

To point electric-moray at your existing deployment, you'll want to make sure that your development environment can reach that deployment (e.g., has an interface on the "manta" network) and that the Manta deployment's nameservers are included in /etc/resolv.conf in your development environment.

The easiest way to obtain a working configuration file and hash ring configuration is to copy them from one of the electric-moray zones in your existing Manta deployment:

In a single-server deployment (as is typically used for testing), you can use cp -a in the global zone to copy these from the electric-moray zone to your test zone.

Once you've got these pieces in place, install the dependencies:

$ make

update your path:

$ source env.sh

and run electric-moray with something like this:

$ node ./main.js -f /path/to/config.json -r /path/to/hash/ring -p 2020 \
    2>&1 | bunyan

For example, if the configuration file and hash ring were copied to your electric-moray workspace, you'd use:

$ node ./main.js -f ./config.json -r ./leveldb-2021 -p 2020 2>&1 | bunyan


First, make sure you're running a local copy of electric-moray as described above. Then, run the test suite:

$ make test

This assumes that an electric-moray server is running on localhost port 2020.


Each electric-moray process (node main.js ...) logs to stderr. That means this log output goes to the SMF service's log file:

svcs -L electric-moray

By default it logs at the bunyan "info" level. The level is set via the bunyan.level key in the config file (see the config file template). As an override, one can specify the -v option to node main.js ... to get "trace" level logging.

In a small Manta there will just be one electric-moray process. In a large Manta there will be multiple (currently 4) processes in each electric-moray zone.

To watch electric-moray logs use:

tail -f `svcs -L electric-moray` | bunyan

To watch trace-level logs for an already running electric-moray:

bunyan -p $PID

Logs are rotated and uploaded hourly via a cronjob. They are uploaded to the local Manta at:
