

UIButton state, objectified

Access UIButton state properties using dot.syntax

State Properties

This small category on UIButton provides few properties to access instances of class MTKButtonState. They are associated with one UIButton and one UIControlState and have these properties:

Getters of these properties call -[UIButton <property>ForState:] and setters call -[UIButton set<Property>:forState:].

State Accessors

There are 5 direct properties for most used control states:

In case you really need some other UIControlState combination, use -stateForControlState:.

Current State

Property currentState holds MTKButtonState object corresponding to current control state. For example, if button.state is UIControlStateHighlighted, then button.currentState and button.highlightedState are identical objects.

Property -[UIButton currentState] is KVO compliant.

Usage Example

UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] init];
button.normalState.title = @"Normal";
button.highlightedState.title = @"Highlighted";
button.selectedState.title = @"Selected";
button.selectedHighlightedState.title = @"Selected Highlighted";


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