<div align="center"> <h1> AutoView </h1> <span><font size="5", > Learning Self-Regularized Adversarial Views for Self-Supervised Vision Transformers </font></span> </br> Tao Tang∗, Changlin Li∗, Guangrun Wang, Kaicheng Yu, Xiaojun Chang, Xiaodan Liang<sup><span>†</span></sup>(<span>*</span>: equal contribution, <span>†</span>: corresponding author)
<br> <div><a href="">[arXiv Preprint]</a></div> </div>Introduction
We propose AutoView, a self-regularized adversarial AutoAugment method, to learn views for self-supervised vision transformers.
- First, we reduce the search cost of AutoView to nearly zero by learning views and network parameters simultaneously in a single forward-backward step, minimizing and maximizing the mutual information among different augmented views, respectively.
- Then, to avoid information collapse caused by the lack of label supervision, we propose a self-regularized loss term to guarantee the information propagation.
- Additionally, we present a curated augmentation policy search space for self-supervised learning, by modifying the generally used search space designed for supervised learning.
- On ImageNet, our AutoView achieves remarkable improvement over RandAug baseline (+10.2% k-NN accuracy), and consistently outperforms sota manually tuned view policy by a clear margin. Extensive experiments show that AutoView pretraining also benefits downstream tasks and improves model robustness.
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title={Learning Self-Regularized Adversarial Views for Self-Supervised Vision Transformers},
author={Tao Tang and Changlin Li and Guangrun Wang and Kaicheng Yu and Xiaojun Chang and Xiaodan Liang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08458},