


With this extension, you can parse Swagger Documents. You can view the parsed requests in the table and send them to Repeater, Intruder, Scanner.

How to use

1- Extension written in Python. That's why he works with Jython. We need to add the Jython jar file to Burp.


2- After adding Jython to Burp, we can also add the Extension to Burp with the Extension's python file.


3- If the extension has been installed successfully, the "Swagger Parser" tab will be added. You can see the extension screen by clicking this tab.

<img width="1792" alt="main_screen" src="https://github.com/Trendyol/swagger-parser-burp-extension/assets/150332295/810d11ed-b0a7-4648-a203-41cbb73ea7aa">

Add New Swagger Document Panel: This is the part where new Swagger Documents are added and edited.

<img width="1226" alt="add_new_doc" src="https://github.com/Trendyol/swagger-parser-burp-extension/assets/150332295/70c86d11-9900-4216-ab56-2def027ad3da">

Request Detail Panel: This is the section where the details of the parsed requests are displayed.

<img width="896" alt="request_detail" src="https://github.com/Trendyol/swagger-parser-burp-extension/assets/150332295/ce5a46d7-5782-4be3-9ec7-306f47dfb280">

Custom Headers Panel: Headers written below in this panel are added to all requests while parsing.


Output Panel: After the parse process is completed, all endpoints are listed in Markdown format.


Request History Panel: After the parse process is completed, the requests are listed in the table and can be sent to the Repeater, Intruder, Scanner.


4- We right-click on the Swagger Document request we want to parse and select the "Send to Swagger Parser" option and the parsing process begins.
