

Grab Processing Library

Processing library for exporting a JPG or PDF of the current state of the sketch window via input from keyboard or mouse.


Add these 3 lines at the top of your Processing Sketch. By default, exporting will be done by typing on your keyboard. Type the p key to export a PDF, or type the j key to export a JPG.

import processing.pdf.*;
import grab.*;
Grab grab = new Grab(this);

Keyboard vs Mouse Mode

You can choose between keyboard or mouse mode by passing an argument to the constructor.

Keyboard mode (p for PDF, j for JPG)

Grab grab = new Grab(this); // Keyboard is the default
Grab grab = new Grab(this, Mode.KEYBOARD); // You can explicitly pass Mode.KEYBOARD too

Mouse mode (left click for PDF, right click for JPG)

Grab grab = new Grab(this, Mode.MOUSE); // Pass Mode.MOUSE to use the mouse mode

Keyboard Mode Example

Available under File > Examples then Contributed Libraries > Grab > Grab_01_KeyboardMode

// Tell Processing to use the PDF and Grab library
import processing.pdf.*;
import grab.*;

// Activate the Grab library
// Hit p key for exporting PDF, and j for jpg
Grab grab = new Grab(this);

// Basic setup() and draw() with mouse interaction
void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

void draw() {
  circle(mouseX, mouseY, 50);

Mouse Mode Example

Available under File > Examples then Contributed Libraries > Grab > Grab_02_MouseMode

// Tell Processing to use the PDF and Grab library
import processing.pdf.*;
import grab.*;

// Activate the Grab library with mouse mode
// Left click: PDF, right click: JPG
Grab grab = new Grab(this, Mode.MOUSE);

// Basic setup() and draw() with keyboard interaction
char letterToDraw = 'a';

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

void draw() {
  text(letterToDraw, width/2, height - 120);

void keyPressed() {
  letterToDraw = key;