


This is a tool to validate fares-v2 GTFS datasets.

Validates ONLY fares-v2 specific files and dependent files, and does NOT validate GTFS schedule data.

Provides validation towards two versions of the fares-v2 specifications:

  1. [Default] fares-v2 files in the official GTFS specification
  2. [Through -e flag] the official specification above, as well as additional fields ("experimental" fields) defined in the GTFS fares-v2 draft document, with some exceptions. Also includes some fields used internally at Transit, and which are either current or upcoming proposals to the official specification.

Running the tool with the -e flag provides validation for experimental features, and notices pertaining to experimental features are clearly marked as such.


python 3

Validate a fares dataset

python3 validate.py PATH-TO-FOLDER-CONTAINING-FARES-V2-DATASET [-o, --output-file FILE-TO-EXPORT-VALIDATION-REPORT-TO] [-e, --experimental]

For example:

python3 validate.py ~/data/my-fares-v2-dataset -o report.txt

Run tests

python3 -m pip install pytest

Unsupported experimental fields and files (subject to change)

Discontinued experimental fields

Amount and currency on these two files have been replaced by the usage of fare products to specify cost.

Additional experimental fields