

CHOC: "Classy Header Only Classes" 1

A random grab-bag of header-only, dependency-free C++ classes.

When you start trying to write a C++ project of any size, you'll soon start finding gaping holes in what the C++ standard library provides. To fill them, you'll end up either writing lots of helper functions yourself, or trawling the web for awful 3rd-party libraries which come with all kinds of baggage like messy build requirements, scads of stupid compiler warnings, awkward licenses, etc.

I got tired of re-implementing many of the same little helper classes and functions in different projects, so CHOC is an attempt at preventing future wheel-reinvention, by providing some commonly-needed things in a format that makes it as frictionless as possible for anyone to use this code in any kind of project.

So with that goal in mind, the rules for everything in CHOC are:

Basically CHOC is aimed at people (like me) who just want to use some decent library code without also spending their afternoon fighting CMake or looking up the right compiler flags to make the dratted thing work.


The library is getting quite big now! Some of its many delights include:


Text and Files




Javascript and JSON



Hopefully some people will find some of these things useful! If you like it, please tell your friends! If you think you're up to contributing, that's great, but be aware that anything other than an utterly immaculate pull request will be given short shrift :)

-- Jules


  1. ...or maybe "Clean Header-Only Classes" ...or "Cuddly Header-Only Classes"... It's just a backronym, so feel free to pick whatever C-word feels right to you. I may change the word occasionally on a whim, just to cause annoying diffs in the codebase.