


Functional abstractions for working with iterators, as demonstrated in c-iterators.

Finding the longest common prefix of an array of strings

#include "itplus.h"
#include "sugar.h"

#include <string.h>

static bool pair_is_equal(Pair(char, char) x) { return fst(x) == snd(x); }
static char fst_chr(Pair(char, char) chrpair) { return fst(chrpair); }

/* Using iterators to find common prefix - with C11 sugar */
static char* cmn_prefx(string s1, string s2)
    size_t len = 0;

    char* const prefx = collect(
                zip(chrarr_to_iter(s1, strlen(s1)), chrarr_to_iter(s2, strlen(s2))),
    prefx[len] = '\0';
    return prefx;

/* Accumulator function wrapping `cmn_prefx` - accumulator type is a heap allocated string */
static inline char* acc_cmn_prefx(char* acc, string s)
    char* const res = cmn_prefx(acc, s);
    return res;

int main(void)
    string arr[]  = {"flower", "flow", "flight"};
    size_t arrlen = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr);

    char* const lngest_prefx = fold(strarr_to_iter(arr + 1, arrlen - 1), strdup_(arr[0]), acc_cmn_prefx);
    puts(lngest_prefx); /* "fl" */ 
    return 0;



Just like the polymorphic iterators, most of the abstractions are also implemented using The Typeclass Pattern. A polymorphism pattern based around actions, similar to Haskell typeclasses, Java/C# interfaces, or Rust traits. This pattern aims for-

The term "Iterplus" is shamelessly stolen borrowed from the original iterplus.

Information about file structure and file contents is described in ARCHITECTURE. You can find the generated docs and general information here.


Available Abstractions

You can also implement your own abstractions using the same pattern. Refer to Semantics.


Just include itplus.h and get to using it!

Before anything, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of these iterators. Discussed in c-iterators. You just need to know how to iterate through iterables though. TL;DR- you use the foreach macro to iterate over an iterable.

Refer to tests or samples to look at how to implement the utilities. In general the pattern goes like this-

  1. Define the iterplus structs required to define the specific utilities. Include it in a header.

    For tests/, these are in common.h.

    For samples/, these are in impls.h.

  2. Define the specific iterplus utility function using the corresponding define_ macro.

    For tests/, these are in impls.c.

    For samples/, these are in impls.c.

  3. Include the function signature of this defined in a header.

    For tests/, these are in impls.h.

    For samples/, these are in impls.h.

There's also the IterPlus, DeclIterPlus, and DefnIterPlus macro to define/declare all iterplus utility structs, and utilities themselves at once, for a specific type.

Most of these functions take in a pointer to an iterplus struct, that is filled with necessary information - and turns it into an iterable. For example, the define_itertake_func macro defines a function that takes in an IterTake struct, containing a specific type of iterable and the limit value (as well as i set to 0), and returns an Iterable that has, at most limit amount of elements. All of these elements are consumed from the iterable put into the IterTake struct you passed to the function. The lifetime of the returned iterable is the same as the lifetime of the IterTake struct pointed to by the given pointer.

Though I should mention, these abstractions are just for fun. I wanted to see what I could do with c-iterators. I think the the typeclass based polymorphism pattern is really useful. Even the regular lightweight iterators are certainly useful. But with the lack of closures, no way to capture types, and somewhat "meh" static dispatch support - there's a LOT of boilerplate needed to get you up on your feet even after including itplus.h. It's pretty fun once you actually define all of this boilerplate - but that's not a great thing.

Semantics and Explanation

Most abstractions are documented in their own files, so you can view them in docs. The general idea behind every abstraction is further explained in the "Lazy Abstractions" part of the c-iterators README.

C11 Syntax Sugar

With _Generic you can make macros to statically dispatch to the iterplus utility functions. Essentially making the usage be expression oriented, and certainly much better to use. But once again, more boilerplate, heh.

The main skeleton of these can be found in sugar.h) and sugar.c.

In general, you could implement generic selection with a macro take, that takes an iterable and the amount of items to "take" from it. To do this, however, you need

All of this should ideally avoid heap allocation. This means you can't have a function that creates a local IterTake struct, since its lifetime ends when the function ends, so the returned Iterable would be pointing to invalid memory. You need to somehow make the IterTake struct in the same scope.

Suppose the take utility has been implemented for an Iterable(int)-

define_itertake_func(int, takeint_to_itr)

i.e the function that turns an IterTake(int)* to the corresponding Iterable(int), is named takeint_to_itr. The signature of this function is- Iterable(int) takeint_to_itr(IterTake(int)* x);

You would use the take utility on an Iterable(int), it like so-

Iterable(int) it = ...;

Iterable(int) first_10 = takeint_to_itr(&(IterTake(int)){ .limit = 10, .src = it });

Compound literals allow you to create the struct and pass a pointer to it into the function, all in the same scope, in the same line.

This is pretty neat, but now you need to make this generic, something like-

Iterable(int) first_10 = take(it, 10);

where takeint_to_itr is statically dispatched to by figuring out the type of it.

But _Generic takes actual expressions as values in its assoc list. This means you can't do-

#define take(it, n) _Generic((it), Iterable(int): takeint_to_itr)(&(IterTake(_Generic((it), Iterable(int): int))){ .limit = (n), .src = (it) })

Since int is not a valid expression, it's a type! Making _Generic((it), Iterable(int): int) a compile error.

You also can't do-

#define take(it, n) _Generic((it), Iterable(int): takeint_to_itr)(_Generic((it), Iterable(int): &(IterTake(int)){ .limit = (n), .src = (it) }))

Because every expression in the assoc list of _Generic must be correct, whether or not they're actually chosen. it of type Iterable(int) would not be a valid assignment to .src to IterTake(char) for example. Even though that branch wouldn't be chosen anyway. This is a rather unfortunate and silly part of the spec.

Instead, you'll need a function, that does the following

For the take utility, this function looks like (for Iterable(int))-

Iterable(int) prep_tkint(IterTake(int) * tk, Iterable(int) x)
    tk->src = x;
    return takeint_to_itr(tk);

Now you can make the take macro using _Generic selection-

#define take(it, n) _Generic((it), Iterable(int): prep_tkint)(_Generic((it), Iterable(int): &(IterTake(int)){ .limit = (n)}), (it))

And you can add in more types as needed to the assoc list, provided you have their specific prep_tkint-like wrapper function.

This is the core idea, it's expanded upon using a tiny bit of metaprogramming in sugar.h.

Pitfalls, Memory, Lifetime, and Ownership


You can find the implementations and examples within tests and samples.