

Auth Inbox đŸ“Ŧ

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Auth Inbox is an open-source project that securely receive and views authentication emails using Cloudflare's free serverless services. It automatically processes incoming emails, extracts verification codes or links, and stores them in a database. A user-friendly web interface is provided for administrators to easily review the extracted information. AuthInbox also supports real-time notifications via Bark, making it a comprehensive and hassle-free solution for email authentication management.

Don't wanna receive ads and spams on your main email? Want a bunch of alternative email for register services and websites? Try this secure, serverless, light service!

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers


Table of Contents 📑

Features ✨

Technologies Used 🛠ī¸

AI Prompt Optimization 🧠

To ensure accurate extraction of information from incoming emails, we've implemented AI prompt optimization using the Google AI Studio API. By crafting precise and context-aware prompts, the AI can reliably identify and extract key elements such as:


Email content: [Insert raw email content here].

Please read the email and extract the following information:
1. Code/Link/Password from the email (if available).
2. Organization name (title) from which the email is sent.
3. A brief summary of the email's topic (e.g., 'account verification').

Format the output as JSON with this structure:
  "title": "The organization or company that sent the verification code (e.g., 'Netflix')",
  "code": "The extracted verification code, link, or password (e.g., '123456' or 'https://example.com/verify?code=123456')",
  "topic": "A brief summary of the email's topic (e.g., 'account verification')",
  "codeExist": 1

If both a code and a link are present, include both in the 'code' field like this:
"code": "code, link"

If there is no code, clickable link, or this is an advertisement email, return:
  "codeExist": 0

Installation ⚙ī¸

  1. Prerequisites

    • Create a Google AI Studio API

    • Bind a domain to your Cloudflare account

      • Get Your Cloudflare Account ID from here

      • Generate a Cloudflare Workers API Token from here

    • (Optional) Download the Bark App and get a Bark Token from the App

  2. Install using Github Pages

    1. Creating D1 Database

      1. Go to Cloudflare Dashboard -> Workers & Pages -> D1 SQL Database -> Create

      2. Input Name inbox-d1 and click Create

      3. After Creating inbox-d1, click in to it and find Console

      4. Execute the following SQL command from db/schema.sql in the console, just copy, paste and execute it.

      5. Copy the database_id and database_name for the next step when you configure the TOML file

    2. Deploy the Cloudflare Worker

      Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

      1. Click the button on the top to fork this repository or directly fork this repository.

      2. Open the repository that you fork, find the Actions page, find Deploy Auth Inbox to Cloudflare Workers, and click enable workflow to activate the workflows.

      3. Then, in the repository page, navigate to Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> Repository secrets and add the following secrets:

      4. Back to Action Page in your repository, find Deploy Auth Inbox to Cloudflare Workers and press Run workflow to deploy the worker. If you can't find the Run workflow button, you can trigger GitHub Actions automatically by making a small edit to the readme.md file in your repository.

      5. After the deployment is successful, you can find the URL of your worker in the Deploy Auth Inbox to Cloudflare Workers workflow log.

      6. Find the delete all logs button in the upper-right corner of the workflow logs page. Delete the logs to avoid data leakage.

      7. Done! ✅ Jump to step 3: Set Email Forwarding.

  3. Install using command-line

    1. Initialization

      npm install wrangler -g # install wrangler
      git clone https://github.com/TooonyChen/AuthInbox.git # clone the repository
      cd AuthInbox # change directory
      npm install # install dependencies
    2. create d1 database

      When you execute the Wrangler login command for the first time, you will be prompted to log in. Just follow the prompts.

      npx wrangler d1 create inbox-d1 # creating a d1 database called 'inbox-d1'
      npx wrangler d1 execute inbox-d1 --remote --file=./db/schema.sql # write the schema.sql to the database

      you will get the result like this:

      ✅ Successfully created DB 'inbox-d1'
      binding = "DB" # available in your Worker on env.DB
      database_name = "inbox-d1"
      database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>"

      please copy the result from your terminal, you will use them in the next step

    3. Configure Environment Variables

      Use wrangler.toml file in the project root with the necessary environment variables:

      name = "auth-inbox"
      type = "typescript"
      UseBark = "true" # set 'true' to use or 'false' to not use
      barkUrl = "https://api.day.app"
      barkTokens = "[token1, token2]" # set to your bark tokens on your iOS device, download it from https://bark.day.app/, you can use multiple tokens, if you only use one, then set it to '[token1]'
      FrontEndAdminID = "admin" # your login
      FrontEndAdminPassword = "password" # your password
      GoogleAPIKey = "xxxxxxxxxxx" # your google api, go to https://aistudio.google.com/ to generate one if u dont have
      [[d1_databases]] # Copy the lines obtained from step 2 from your terminal.
      binding = "DB"
      database_name = "inbox-d1" # Copy from step 2
      database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>" # Copy from step 2
    4. Deploy your own worker 🌐 Deploy your Worker to make your project accessible on the Internet. Run:

      npx wrangler deploy

      You will get output like this:

      Outputs: https://auth-inbox.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>.workers.dev

      You can now visit the URL for your newly depolyed Auth Inbox for checking the email results.

  4. Set Email Forwarding ✉ī¸

    Go to Cloudflare Dashboard -> Websites -> <your-domain> -> Email -> Email-Routing -> Routing Rules

    if you want to use catch-all address: image

    if you want to use custom address: image

  5. Enjoy! 🎉

    All set! ✅ You can now receive and view your authentication emails securely and efficiently using Auth Inbox!

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Screenshots 📸


Acknowledgements 🙏