


"Pithy quote."

An incomplete, buggy, undocumented, Clojure-inspired Lisp dialect that compiles to native executable using the Clang compiler

Quick start (for macOS, Linux should be similar)

Make sure you have git and clang installed. clang is part of the LLVM project and also installed as part of Xcode. Make sure that /usr/bin/git exists and points to the correct git executable.

Compile your first program

But wait!

READ THIS SECTION! It will save you hours of frustration.

See that phrase at the very top? I'll put it here just to make sure

  "inspired by Clojure"

Toccata is not a copy or a port of Clojure. There are some very key differences. I'm going to list a few here, but there are others as well.

And now ...

This is just the beginning of a long road to make Toccata into a useful programming language. I deeply appreciate your patience and assistance in making that happen.

Check the HISTORY.md file for a detailed description.

You can learn more about Toccata by following the blog here