

Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling v2!

Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling is bot for telegram which helps user to schedule InstaPy.

What's new?

What you need

How to setup

  1. Create a bot with @BotFather.
  2. Rename settings.json.dist => settings.json.
  3. Contact @GiveChatId_Bot and get your chat id with /chatid command
  4. Clone this repo into any folder
  5. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Populate settings.json with your data. instapy_folder is the path to your InstaPy installation.
    "telegram_token": "xxxx",
    "instapy_folder": "/home/xxxx/GitHub/instapy_bot",
    "allowed_id": [ "chat_id from GiveChatId_Bot", "342342" ],
    "project_path": [ "/path_where_you_want_load_your_files" ], # Optional, default: ./
    "users_file": "new_user_list_file.pickle"                   # Optional, default: users.pickle
  1. Write your personal scripts:


def script_for_big_like(InstaPy, username, password, proxy):
    session = InstaPy(username=username, password=password)
    # your stuff here, e.g.
    session.like_by_tags(['natgeo', 'world'], amount=10)

Avaiable commands

Users management

/add_user<username> <password> <proxy:optional>Save new user.
/delete_user<username>Delete an user.
/usersPrint all users saved

Jobs management

/set<username> <job_name> <script_name> <hh:mm:ss>Create a new schedule. Select the day from bot.
/unset<job_name>Delete a schedule.
/jobsPrint all jobs that have been set
/reloadJobs are saved in db now. Use this cmd to reload.
/scriptsPrint all your scripts
/status<job_name:optional>Print the status of all your thread or a single thread.
/logs<username> <line_number>Show n lines of username/general.log file.
/now<script_name> <username>Run immediately.
/stop<job_name>Stop immediately.
/timePrints current server time, useful for scheduling.