


A selection of custom nodes for ComfyUI.

Enjoy my nodes and would like to help keep me awake?

tinyterra_pipeSDXL tinyterra_trueHRFix tinyterra_trueHRFix


Navigate to the ComfyUI/custom_nodes directory with cmd, and run:

git clone https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes.git

Special Features

Fullscreen Image Viewer

Enabled by default


Advanced XYPlot


<axis number1:label1>

<axis number2:label2>

For Example:


<2:custom label>
[4:text='Summer sunset']

Auto Complete

Enabled by default

Dynamic Widgets

Enabled by default


Enabled by default

Save image prefix parsing

Node Versioning


Disabled by default

<br> <details open> <summary>$\Large\color{white}{Nodes}$</summary>


<details> <summary>tinyLoader</summary> </details> <details> <summary>tinyConditioning</summary> </details> <details> <summary>tinyKSampler</summary> </details>


<details> <summary>pipeLoader v2</summary>

(Includes ADV_CLIP_emb)

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/deb74ef1-43a7-4fd5-9cdd-b4487eaee6f0" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeKSampler v2</summary>

Embedded with Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/0f33d9aa-65ea-4b4f-88fd-033e7c4f1e2a" width="50%">

Old node layout:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/32b189de-42e3-4464-b3b2-4e0e225e6abe" width="50%">

With pipeLoader and pipeKSampler:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/c806c2e3-2efb-44cb-bdf0-3fbc20251456" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeKSamplerAdvanced v2</summary>

Embedded with Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/31dd3860-6cb0-417b-9912-f3f5a37df68b" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeLoaderSDXL v2</summary>

SDXL Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/cb6e43f8-a1c7-47f8-aab7-d403908bf83b" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeKSamplerSDXL v2</summary>

SDXL Sampler (base and refiner in one) and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/cb6e43f8-a1c7-47f8-aab7-d403908bf83b" width="50%">

Old node layout:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/6fe28463-6ca4-4d45-818a-bbe91d84f3c4" width="50%">

With pipeLoaderSDXL and pipeKSamplerSDXL:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/faa5c807-c96c-4734-99cd-34e6024c32fb" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeEDIT</summary>

Update/Overwrite any of the 8 original inputs in a Pipe line with new information.

<details> <summary>pipe > basic_pipe</summary>

Convert ttN pipe line to basic pipe (to be compatible with ImpactPack), WITH original pipe throughput

<details> <summary>pipe > Detailer Pipe</summary>

Convert ttN pipe line to detailer pipe (to be compatible with ImpactPack), WITH original pipe throughput


<details> <summary>adv xyPlot</summary>

pipeKSampler input to generate xy plots using sampler and loader values. (Any values not set by xyPlot will be taken from the corresponding nodes)


</details> <details> <summary>advPlot range</summary>

adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax across a range of values.

</details> <details> <summary>advPlot string</summary>

adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax for strings via a delimiter.

</details> <details> <summary>advPlot combo</summary>

adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax for combos with various modes.



<details> <summary>imageOutput</summary>

Preview or Save an image with one node, with image throughput.

</details> <details> <summary>imageRemBG</summary>

(Using RemBG)

Background Removal node with optional image preview & save.

Example of a photobashing workflow using pipeNodes, imageRemBG, imageOutput and nodes from ADV_CLIP_emb and ImpactPack: photobash

</details> <details> <summary>hiresFix</summary>

Upscale image by model, optional rescale of result image.


<details> <summary>text</summary>

Basic TextBox Loader.

<details> <summary>textDebug</summary>

Text input, to display text inside the node, with optional print to console.

<details> <summary>textConcat</summary>

3 TextBOX inputs with a single concatenated output.

<details> <summary>7x TXT Loader Concat</summary>

7 TextBOX inputs concatenated with spaces into a single output, AND seperate text outputs.

<details> <summary>3x TXT Loader MultiConcat</summary>

3 TextBOX inputs with seperate text outputs AND multiple concatenation variations (concatenated with spaces).


<details> <summary>seed</summary>

Basic Seed Loader.

<details> <summary>float</summary>

float loader and converter

<details> <summary>int</summary>

int loader and converter



<details> <summary>pipeLoader v1</summary>

(Modified from Efficiency Nodes and ADV_CLIP_emb)

Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<details> <summary>pipeKSampler v1</summary>

(Modified from Efficiency Nodes and QOLS_Omar92)

Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

Old node layout:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/32b189de-42e3-4464-b3b2-4e0e225e6abe" width="50%">

With pipeLoader and pipeKSampler:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/c806c2e3-2efb-44cb-bdf0-3fbc20251456" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeKSamplerAdvanced v1</summary>

Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

SDXL Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

<details> <summary>pipeKSamplerSDXL v1</summary>

SDXL Sampler (base and refiner in one) and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output

Old node layout:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/6fe28463-6ca4-4d45-818a-bbe91d84f3c4" width="50%">

With pipeLoaderSDXL and pipeKSamplerSDXL:

<img src="https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/faa5c807-c96c-4734-99cd-34e6024c32fb" width="50%"> </details> <details> <summary>pipeIN</summary>

Encode up to 8 frequently used inputs into a single Pipe line.

<details> <summary>pipeOUT</summary>

Decode single Pipe line into the 8 original outputs, AND a Pipe throughput.

<details> <summary>pipe > xyPlot</summary>

pipeKSampler input to generate xy plots using sampler and loader values. (Any values not set by xyPlot will be taken from the corresponding pipeKSampler or pipeLoader)