

TinyMvvm for .NET MAUI have moved here, https://github.com/dhindrik/TinyMvvm.

This repo is home for the Xamarin.Forms code.

Build status

<img src="https://io2gamelabs.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/build/definitions/be16d002-5786-41a1-bf3b-3e13d5e80aa0/8/badge" alt="Build Status" />

4.0 preview - .NET MAUI

Watch this video for more info about TinyMvvm and .NET MAUI. Docs will be published soon.


3.0 Breaking changes


What is TinyMvvm?

TinyMvvm is a MVVM library that is built for Xamarin.Forms but is not limited to Xamarin.Forms, it created in a way that it will be easy to extend to other platforms.

TinyMvvm main features:

Get started

To get started with TinyMvvm the recommendation is to following this, <a href="https://github.com/dhindrik/TinyMvvm/blob/master/docs/GetStarted.md">Get Started Tutorial</a>.

You can also read the following document about the main concepts of TinyMvvm, <a href="https://github.com/dhindrik/TinyMvvm/blob/master/docs/docs.md">TinyMvvm Concepts</a>

Watch Daniel Hindrikes talking about TinyMvvm on YouTube with this recording from Xam Expert Day 2020: Watch on YouTube


You are very welcome to contribute to TinyMvvm. If you want to add a new feature we would like if you create an issue first so we can discuss the the feature before you spend time to implement it.