Awesome Cloud Build
A curated list of resources about all things Google Cloud Build
What is Cloud Build?
Cloud Build is a service that executes your builds on Google Cloud Platform infrastructure.
Cloud Build can import source code from Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket, execute a build to your specifications, and produce artifacts.
Cloud Build executes your build as a series of build steps, where each build step is run in a Docker container by a builder image.
- Useful links
- Quickstarts
- Tutorials
- Articles
- Cloud Builders
- Community Cloud Builders
- Cloud Build Configuration File Templates
- Tools
- Meetups
Useful links
Useful links on Cloud Build.
- Product Overview
- Official Documentation
- Cloud Build How-to guides
- Cloud Build Console
- CI/CD on Google Cloud
- StackOverflow
- File bugs or feature requests
- Pricing
- Quotas & Limits
- Release Notes
Quickstarts for Cloud Build.
Tutorials on Cloud Build.
- GitOps-style continuous delivery with Cloud Build
- Configuring notifications for third-party services
- Accessing private GitHub repositories
- Running builds on GitHub
- Automate Building Android APKs with Google Cloud Build CI/CD and a Gradle Docker Image
- Building Singularity containers using Cloud Build
- Perform Angular server-side (pre-)rendering with Cloud Build
- Simplified Continuous Deployment on Google Cloud Platform
- Create A Cloud Build Image Factory Using Packer
- Automated Static Website Publishing with Cloud Build
- Using Cloud Build as a test runner
- Run an Elixir Phoenix app with Cloud Run
- WhiteSource - Google Cloud Build Integration
- Utilizing Caches When Building Go Projects On Google Cloud Build
- Automatic Builds at Your Fingertips With GCP Cloud Build
- Simplifying Continuous Deployment to Cloud Run with Cloud Build including Custom Domain Setup(SSL)
- Continuous Integration and Deployment with Google Cloud Build - Fireship
- Google Cloud Build with Spinnaker
- Deploying a Gatsby Site to Firebase with Google Cloud Build (CI/CD)
- Continuous Deployment with Cloud Build
- How to pass data between Cloud Build steps
Articles on Cloud Build.
- Build configuration overview
- CircleCI vs Google Cloud Build
- Google announces Cloud Build, its new continuous integration and delivery platform
- A Better Approach to Google Cloud Continuous Deployment
- GitLab- Google CloudBuild
- Terraform - Google Cloud Build
- Best practices for building containers
- Develop, Deploy, and Debug Using Google Cloud Developer Tools (Cloud Next '19)
- Develop Faster on Kubernetes With Google Container Tools and Cloud Build (Cloud Next '19)
- Repeatable GCP Environments at Scale With Cloud Build Infra-As-Code Pipelines (Cloud Next '19)
- Shift Left: Continuous Integration Testing with Cloud Build (Cloud Next '19)
- Cloud Build with Containers - Take5
- Continuous Deployment with Google Cloud Build | 9.6.18 | Linux Academy
Cloud Builders
Supported builder images for Google Cloud Build, codes on GitHub
- bazel: runs the bazel tool
- curl: runs the curl tool
- docker: runs the docker tool
- dotnet: run the dotnet tool
- gcloud: runs the gcloud tool
- git: runs the git tool
- gke-deploy: runs the gke-deployer tool
- go: runs the go tool
- gradle: runs the gradle tool
- gsutil: runs the gsutil tool
- javac: runs the javac tool
- kubectl: runs the kubectl tool
- Make a Cloud Build Step That Always Succeeds
- How to pass data between Cloud Build steps
- Mastering Google Cloud Build Config Syntax
- mvn: runs the maven tool
- npm: runs the npm tool
- wget: runs the wget tool
- yarn: runs the yarn tool
Community Cloud Builders
Community-contributed images for Google Cloud Build, codes on GitHub
- android: runs the android tool
- ansible: runs the ansible tool
- awscli: runs the awscli tool
- az-kubectl: runs the azure-kubectl tool
- az: runs the azure cli tool
- bandit: runs the bandit tool
- base-image-builder: runs the base-image-builder tool
- binauthz-attestation: runs the Binary Authorization tool
- boot: runs the boot tool
- bq: runs the bigquery tool
- buildah: runs the buildah tool
- cache: runs the cache tool
- cargo: runs the Rust cargo tool
- cft: runs the cloud foundation toolkit
- compodoc: runs the compodoc tool
- composer: runs the composer tool
- container-diff: runs the container-diff tool
- cron-helper: runs the cron-helper tool
- dataflow-python: runs the dataflow-python tool
- dep: runs the go dep tool
- docker-compose: runs the docker-compose tool
- envsubst: runs the envsubst tool
- esy: runs the esy tool
- fastlane: runs the fastlane tool
- firebase: runs the firebase tool
- flutter: runs the flutter tool
- fsharp: runs the fsharp tool
- glide: runs the glide tool
- google-closure-compiler: runs the google-closure-compiler tool
- helm: runs the helm tool
- hub: runs the hub tool
- hugo: runs the hugo tool
- inspec: runs the inspec tool
- jfrog: runs the jfrog tool
- jmeter: runs the jmeter tool
- jsonnet: runs the jsonner tool
- kaniko: runs the kaniko tool
- kubectl_wait_for_job: runs the kubectl_wait_for_job tool
- kustomize:: runs the kustomize tool
- make: runs the make tool
- makisu: runs the makisu tool
- mortar: runs the mortar tool
- ng: runs the ng tool
- nix-build: runs the nix-build tool
- npm-jasmine-node: runs the npm-jasmine-node tool
- packer: runs the packer tool
- pelican: runs the pelican tool
- protoc: runs the protoc tool
- pulumi: runs the pulumi tool
- puppet-lint: runs the puppet lint tool
- pylint: runs the pylint tool
- remote-builder: runs the remote-builder tool
- rocker: runs the rocker tool
- s2i: runs the s2i tool
- scala-sbt: runs the scala-sbt tool
- shellcheck: runs the shellcheck tool
- singularity: runs the singularity tool
- skaffold: runs the skaffold tool
- slackbot: runs the slackbot tool
- sonarqube: runs the sonarqube tool
- swift: runs the swift tool
- tar: runs the tar tool
- terraform: runs the terraform tool
- terragrunt: runs the terragrunt tool
- traceroute: runs the traceroute tool
- windows-builder: runs the windows-builder tool
- yarn-puppeteer: runs the yarn-puppeteer tool
- zip: runs the zip tool
Cloud Build Configuration File Templates
The cloudbuild.yaml templates are to guide you in creating yours. You can find Dockerfiles here
- buildstatus Cloud Build status notifications in Slack using Cloud Run
- Enable build notification from Google Cloudbuild to Slack
- cloudbuild-slack Customisable Cloud Build status notifications in Slack using Cloud Functions
- gcb-visualizer Visualize the cloud build pipeline with Graphviz
Meetups on Cloud Build