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Easily make a ContentProvider from a ContractClass.


public interface MyContract extends ProviGenBaseContract {

	public static final String MY_INT_COLUMN = "int";

	public static final String MY_STRING_COLUMN = "string";

	public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://com.myapp/table_name");
public class MyContentProvider extends ProviGenProvider {

    private static Class[] contracts = new Class[]{MyContract.class};

    public SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper(Context context) {
        return new ProviGenOpenHelper(getContext(), "dbName", null, 1, contracts);

    public Class[] contractClasses() {
        return contracts;
    android:authorities="com.myapp" >


You can make the usual insert, update, delete and query using a ContentResolver.
For example querying a single row boils down to:

	Uri.withAppendedPath(MyContract.CONTENT_URI, myId),
	null, "", null, "");


	MyContract.CONTENT_URI, null, 
	MyContract._ID + " = ? ", new String[]{ myId }, "");


Table creation and contract upgrades

ProviGen comes with an implementation of the SQLiteOpenHelper called ProviGenOpenHelper. This default implementation will

Notifications and observers

ProviGen fully supports the uri notification mechanism.
You can safely use it with CursorLoaders and ContentObservers.

Custom SQLiteOpenHelper

You can provide your own implementation of the SQLiteOpenHelper for initial population, complex contract upgrades or anything else database related you want to achieve.

public class MyContentProvider extends ProviGenProvider {

    public Class[] contractClasses() {
        return new Class[]{MyContract.class};

    public SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper(Context context) {
        return new SQLiteOpenHelper(getContext(), "databaseName", null, 1) {
            public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) {
                // Automatically creates table and needed columns.
                new TableBuilder(MyContract.class).createTable(database);

                // Do initial population here.

            public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
                // Automatically adds new columns.
                TableUpdater.addMissingColumns(database, MyContract.class);

                // Anything else related to database upgrade should be done here.

Data constraint

You can apply a UNIQUE or a NOT_NULL constraint to a column using the appropriate TableBuilder methods.

new TableBuilder(MyContract.class)
        .addConstraint(MyContract.MY_INT, Constraint.UNIQUE, OnConflict.ABORT)
        .addConstraint(MyContract.MY_STRING, Constraint.NOT_NULL, OnConflict.IGNORE)


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