

Create static server executable - powered by redbean 🦞

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This GitHub action creates a single-file server that:


- uses: TimonLukas/action-static-redbean@v1
    # specifies version to be fetched from redbean.dev
    version: "latest"
    # Location of the finished executable
    executable-name: "redbean.com"
    # Location of static files to include
    input: "dist"
    # Fallback file (for history API-based routing), `false` to disable
    fallback: "index.html"
    # On launch, open the users preferred browser pointing to this path, `false` to disable
    launch: "/"
    # Cache redbean executable instead of fetching every time, `false` to disable
    cache: true

# Example: static server for `./build/*` without fallback using redbean version x.y.z
- uses: TimonLukas/action-static-redbean@v1
    version: "x.y.z"
    input: "build"
    fallback: false
- run: mv ./redbean.com $FOO

Extending behavior

Generally, anything beyond serving files statically can be approached using the LUA api. The fallback option itself is actually implemented as:

function OnHttpRequest()
    if not RoutePath() then

To add any behavior, add .init.lua with your own content into your input directory. Depending on your project it might be worth to look into frameworks for redbean like fullmoon.