


CHIP-8 test suite

A collection of ROM images with tests that will aid you in developing your own CHIP-8, SUPER-CHIP or XO-CHIP interpreter (or "emulator")

Table of contents


I found it hard to find reliable sources on what is the right behaviour and what is not, especially with the subtle differences between the original "Cosmac VIP" CHIP-8 and the HP48's SUPER-CHIP (or "S-CHIP"). Now that I have written and ported a couple of interpreters as well as a few programs and games for the platform, I thought it was time to put that knowledge into code.

If you're having issues with your interpreter, you can find help in the EmuDev discord channel #chip-8. Every test has a clearly visible version number, which will help people to diagnose your problems if you share a screenshot. If you discover a problem with this test ROM itself, feel free to file an issue or open a pull request. It's open source, licensed under the GPLv3, and you're welcome to contribute.


Most tests have been written to run equally well on all three major CHIP-8 platforms, unless otherwise specified. The quirks test is the most interesting one, since it was designed to test the differences between those three platforms. If the test suite itself is wrong, we're not helping anyone. So what are we testing the test suite against?


There are several good Cosmac VIP emulators, so we can quite faithfully run the original CHIP-8 interpreter and check the results. We use Emma O2 and/or Cadmium in VIP-CHIP-8 mode to validate the test suite.

If you have an actual, physical Cosmac VIP and would like to verify the test suite, let me know! 😄


For SUPER-CHIP, the test suite has been tested against real HP48 graphing calculators, in the various interpreters that exist for that system. Gulrak from the CHIP-8 community has both an HP48SX and an HP48GX, and has been so kind as to check if the test suite ROMs behave as expected.


The XO-CHIP extension was written by John Earnest and was first implemented in his IDE slash interpreter Octo. As such, we treat Octo as the gold standard for how an XO-CHIP system should behave, and test against that.

Available tests

CHIP-8 splash screen

The first test is a very simple splash screen. It is very similar to the often used IBM ROM, but it is actually a bit easier to get running. First, it doesn't use the "add value to register" opcode (7XNN) and second it only draws aligned sprites to the screen (the X coordinate is always a multiple of 8). So if you use an array of bytes for your display buffer, you don't have to shift the bits of the sprite to align with the buffer.

CHIP-8 logo, shown on the display

Run the ROM for 39 cycles to see this splash screen on the display. This first test can tell you if you're interpreting these opcodes properly:

If you run the ROM for more than 39 cycles, it will enter an endless loop. If that also works as expected, you've also correctly interpreted the jump opcode:

IBM logo

The second test is the classic IBM ROM. If the splash screen works as expected, this test should be pretty easy to pass, but it is a rite of passage for any CHIP-8 developer.

I did not write this ROM, it's probably decades old and I'm not sure who wrote it so I can't really credit them. The code in this suite is a re-implementation in Octo-mnemonics by my own hand, but it compiles to the exact same bytes as the original (except for the version number).

IBM logo, shown on the display

Run the ROM for 20 cycles to see the IBM logo on the display. If you can see the IBM logo, you are properly interpreting these opcodes:

If you run the ROM for more than 20 cycles, it will enter an endless loop. If that also works as expected, you've also correctly interpreted the jump opcode:

Corax+ opcode test

This ROM is an adaptation of another famous one, the CHIP-8 test rom written by corax89. Many people use corax89's ROM to prove to themselves that their interpreter runs as it should. However, there are a couple of minor issues with the ROM and corax89 doesn't really seem to be maintaining this ROM anymore.

So I've taken the liberty to fix those issues, add a few new tests and make some cosmetic changes for this test suite.

This test needs the opcodes listed above for the IBM logo as well as the conditional skip opcodes (3XNN, 4XNN and 5XY0) to be working properly to actually show you some sane results.

Corax89's opcode test

The codes on the screen correspond to the functioning of these opcodes:

3xnn    2nnn    8xy4    Fx55
4xnn    00EE    8xy5    Fx33
5xy0    8xy0    8xy7    Fx1E
7xnn    8xy1    8xy6    Registers
9xy0    8xy2    8xyE
1nnn    8xy3    Fx65

If you see a checkmark, they're at least somewhat functional in the happy path. If you see a cross you can be sure that you have an issue with that opcode.

Here's a rough description of what these opcodes should do to pass the tests:

If you are having trouble figuring out how each opcode is supposed to behave, check out Tobias' guide or Gulrak's table of opcodes (but make sure you only check "CHIP-8" if you are just starting out).

Flags test

This test checks to see if your math operations function properly on some given set of input values. But more importantly: it checks to see if you set the flag register vF properly when running those opcodes, and if you don't mess up vF too early (when vF is used as one of the operands). This is often an issue as the flags are pretty unintuitive and fairly hard to debug.

The flags test

When running this test you should see the above on your screen. Each code on the screen corresponds to an opcode, and shows if the output value is correct (first checkmark), if the flag in vF is correct (second checkmark), if vF can be used as the vY input (third checkmark) and if vF can be used as the vX input (fourth checkmark, where present). If you see a cross instead of a checkmark in any of these spots, you have an issue in your interpreter logic.

First, a note on the third and fourth checkmarks: these check to see if an instruction where vF is one of the operands (like v0 += vF / 0x80F4) works as expected. It's easy to make the mistake of setting the vF register first, and then performing the mathematical operation. If you do that, however, vF will not hold the right value anymore at calculation time and your maths will be off when using that register as an input.

The top part (that starts with "HAPPY" for "happy path") checks the behaviour of the following opcodes, in the case where we don't expect an overflow, carry or shifted out bit:

HAPPY  8xy1   8xy2
8xy3   8xy4   8xy5
8xy6   8xy7   8xyE

The bottom part (that starts with "CARRY") checks behaviour of the following opcodes, in the case that there is an overflow, carry or shifted out bit:

CARRY  8xy4   8xy5
8xy6   8xy7   8xyE

The last row (that starts with "OTHER") checks that the opcode Fx1E (i += vX) properly adds the value of register vX to the index register, first for a regular register and then when using vF as the vX input register. For this test, only the value is checked because overflow of the index register is not really defined in CHIP-8 and this opcode is not supposed to influence the flag register.

See this article or this article for more information on the arithmetic operations and the flags.

Quirks test

CHIP-8, SUPER-CHIP and XO-CHIP have subtle differences in the way they interpret the bytecode. We often call these differences quirks. This test detects which quirks your interpreter implements, and if those quirks match the platform you're trying to target. This is one of the hardest parts to "get right" and often a reason why "some games work, but some don't".

The menu

The test asks you to choose the platform you are targeting. If you select SUPER-CHIP, if will then also ask you if you want to test for the "modern" or the "legacy" behaviour. When in doubt, go for the "modern" one.

Choosing a target platform in the quirks test

You can press any of the numbers 1 to 3 on the CHIP-8 keypad to make the corresponding selection.

Alternatively, you can move the cursor up and down with CHIP-8 keys E and F and select an item with A. This feature mainly exists so people implementing interpreters for platforms with limited input devices (like a game controller) can map their buttons to those CHIP-8 keys and have an intuitive interface too.

If you want to repeat a test often or even automate them, having to use the graphical menu just gets in the way. In that case, you can force this ROM to select a specific platform by loading a value between 1 and 4 into memory at the address 0x1FF (512).

The test

The test will now run through a couple of steps, which you will see on the screen as a loading progress bar followed by some artifacts. After about three seconds, you should see this screen:

Showing the active quirks

The screen shows you if the following quirks are detected as active ("on", "off" or an error) and if that matches your chosen target platform (a checkmark or a cross).

Note that you need timer support for this test to run.


If you select SUPER-CHIP or XO-CHIP in the menu, half of the test will be executed in hires mode, and the behaviour of Display wait and Clipping will be tested in both lores and hires modes. This means you will not just see "on" or "off" for these quirks, but instead one of these values:

If the test finds different errors for the Clipping test in hires mode compared to lores mode, it will show ERR3. In that case, first make sure your modes produce the same wrapping and clipping results, and see which errors pop up after that.

Wondering why testing hires has been added, or if a quirk can ever be enabled in only one of the modes? Or just wondering why SUPER-CHIP has a "legacy" and a "modern" version of the test? You can read the full story here.

More information

See this excellent table by Gulrak for an overview of all the known quirks for the relatively popular CHIP-8 versions. See this website for a lot more information about all the historical versions of the platform and the different quirks among them.

Keypad test

This test allows you to test all three CHIP-8 key input opcodes. It shows you a little menu, asking which opcode you would like to test:

Choosing the opcode to test in the keypad test

You can press any of the numbers 1 to 3 on the CHIP-8 keypad to jump to the corresponding test.

Alternatively, you can move the cursor up and down with CHIP-8 keys E and F and select an item with A. This feature mainly exists so people implementing interpreters for platforms with limited input devices (like a game controller) can map their buttons to those CHIP-8 keys and have an intuitive interface too.

If you want to repeat a test often or even automate them, having to use the graphical menu just gets in the way. In that case, you can force this ROM to select a specific platform by loading a value between 1 and 3 into memory at the address 0x1FF (512).

1. Ex9E DOWN

Ex9E skips the next instruction if the key indicated in vX is currently pressed. In the test, when you press a key, the corresponding value lights up on the screen.

The Ex9E keypad test, when pressing keys 1 and 6

Pressing keys 1 and 6

2. ExA1 UP

ExA1 skips the next instruction if the key indicated in vX is currently not pressed. In the test, when you are not pressing a key, the corresponding value lights up on the screen.

The ExA1 keypad test, when pressing keys 1 and 6

Pressing keys 1 and 6


Fx0A waits for a key press and returns the pressed key in vX.

The test asks you to press a key on the CHIP-8 keypad. When you do, it checks for two issues that are easy to accidentally introduce when implementing this opcode. If all is well, you should be seeing a checkmark and "all good" on the screen:

The Fx0A keypad test, when all is good

Otherwise, you can get either of these errors:

See this article for more information.

Beep test

This test allows you to test if your buzzer is working. It will beep SOS in morse code and flash a speaker icon on the display in the same pattern. If you press the CHIP-8 button B it will give you manual control over the buzzer. Press B to beep.

The beep test beeping

Scrolling test

This test is only applicable to SUPER-CHIP and XO-CHIP interpreters, since regular CHIP-8 does not have scrolling instructions. It will test to see if your scrolling opcodes scroll the display in the right directions by the right amounts of pixels. One literal "edge"-case that it does not cover is what happens at the edges of the screen.

The menu

The test asks you to choose the platform and resolution you are targeting. For SUPER-CHIP lores, it will also ask you to choose between "modern" or "legacy" behaviour. When in doubt, go for the "modern" one.

Choosing a target platform in the scrolling test

You can press any of the numbers 1 or 2 on the CHIP-8 keypad to select the corresponding entry.

Alternatively, you can move the cursor up and down with CHIP-8 keys E and F and select an item with A. This feature mainly exists so people implementing interpreters for platforms with limited input devices (like a game controller) can map their buttons to those CHIP-8 keys and have an intuitive interface too.

If you want to repeat a test often or even automate them, having to use the graphical menu just gets in the way. In that case, you can force this ROM to select a specific platform by loading a value between 1 and 5 into memory at the address 0x1FF (512).

The test

The test will show you a visual with arrows and boxes. If everything works as expected for the target you have selected, all the arrows will end up in their boxes, like so:

Result of the scrolling test for lores SUPER-CHIP

If you have issues with one or more of your scrolling instructions, some arrows will be (partially) outside their boxes. The arrows all point in the directions that they should be scrolled in, so the ones that have not moved in the direction that they point in represent the scrolling instructions that are not working properly.

For example, this is what you see if none of the scrolling instructions have been implemented:

Result of the scrolling test with no implemented scrolling

A note on legacy versus modern behaviour for SUPER-CHIP's lores mode can be found in the document Legacy SUPER-CHIP.


Do you find an issue in this test suite that you think you can fix? Feel free to submit a PR! Here's how to build the project, assuming you have Nodejs and NPM installed:

git clone git@github.com:Timendus/chip8-test-suite.git
cd chip8-test-suite
npm install
# Build all the tests in `src/tests/` to `bin/`:
npm start

# Build a specific test:
TEST=1-chip8-logo npm run build-test
TEST=2-ibm-logo npm run build-test
TEST=3-corax+ npm run build-test
TEST=4-flags npm run build-test
TEST=5-quirks npm run build-test
TEST=6-keypad npm run build-test
TEST=7-scrolling npm run build-test
TEST=8-beep npm run build-test

Note that the npm scripts use the MacOS command pbcopy to copy the resulting Octo source file to the clipboard. Depending on your OS this may not work properly. Edit package.json and remove this part from the end of scripts -> build-test if you get errors:

 && cat bin/${TEST}.8o | pbcopy

Community response 😄

DUDE THANKS! I was writing a CHIP-8 emulator and THIS HELPED ME SO FRICKING MUCH, THANKS! / same here, this is amazing

Really nice to have new tests (flags, quirks). Especially the quirks. Fixing some bugs in my impl as we speak thanks to that.

Really nice to have new tests (flags, quirks). Especially the quirks. Fixing some bugs in my impl as we speak thanks to that.

Really nice to have new tests (flags, quirks). Especially the quirks. Fixing some bugs in my impl as we speak thanks to that.