


This library is quite focused on number theory and particularly integer factorization, but not necessarily limited to it.

It provides some pretty fast implementations of various factoring algorithms, including the classes

The factoring methods are used to implement a fast sumOfDivisors() function.

Another prominent subject in this library is prime generation and testing. For example, you can find

Other noteworthy parts of this library are


Getting Started

Clone the repository, create a plain Java project importing it, make sure that 'src' is the source folder of your project, and add the jars from the lib-folder to your classpath.

You will need <strong>Java 10</strong> or higher for the project to compile. (Java 10 is required to support intrinsics for Math.multiplyHigh())

There is no documentation and no support, so you should be ready to start exploring the source code.

Testing and comparing factoring algorithms

The main class for this purpose is class FactorizerTest. Here you have many options:

The amount of analysis and logging can be influenced by setting the static variables in the GlobalFactoringOptions interface. Typically one wants to have all those options set to false if N_COUNT > 1.

Note that for factoring very large numbers with multi-threaded algorithms like PSIQS, PSIQS_U, CombinedFactorAlgorithm or BatchFactorizer, the number of threads should not exceed the number of physical cores of your computer. The number size bound where this effect sets in seems to depend mostly on the L3 cache of your computer. The cause is explained well in SMT disadvantages.

Factoring records

My current factoring record is the 400 bit (121 decimal digits) hard semiprime <code> 1830579336380661228946399959861611337905178485105549386694491711628042180605636192081652243693741094118383699736168785617 = 785506617513464525087105385677215644061830019071786760495463 * 2330444194315502255622868487811486748081284934379686652689159 </code><br />

Its factorization took less than 22 hours on a Ryzen 9 3900X with 12 sieve threads using jml 1.1. See factoring report on mersenneforum.org.


Tilman Neumann


This project is licensed under the GPL 3 License - see the LICENSE file for details


Big thanks to

Some (other) third-party software reused in this library: