

<div align="center"> <div> <h1> An unofficial implementation for "CoSeR: Bridging Image and Language for Cognitive Super-Resolution (CVPR 2024)" </h1> </div> <div> <a href="https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2024/papers/Sun_CoSeR_Bridging_Image_and_Language_for_Cognitive_Super-Resolution_CVPR_2024_paper.pdf" target="_blank">Original Paper</a> </div> <p align="center"> <img src="images/teaser.jpg" width="700"> </p> </div>

Cognitive Super-Resolution (CoSeR) is a stable diffusion-based super-resolution (SR) approach that enables SR models to “understand” low-resolution (LR) images.

🔨 Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

💼 Models

We provide models trained on ImageNet1000 following the settings in orginal paper: Qformer, CoSeR.

🌟 Quick inference

Please download Stable Diffusion 2.1. and revise "PATH_FOR_QFORMER" and "PATH_FOR_SD" in configs/CoSeR/inference.yaml with the corresponding path. We also recommend to use the controllable feature wrapping from StableSR for the complete performance. 🤗

python scripts/inference.py \
--inputdir ... \
--outdir ... \
--config configs/CoSeR/inference.yaml \
--load_ckpt PATH_FOR_COSER \
--vqgan_ckpt PATH_FOR_CFW
python scripts/inference_tile.py \
--inputdir ... \
--outdir ... \
--config configs/CoSeR/inference.yaml \
--load_ckpt PATH_FOR_COSER \
--vqgan_ckpt PATH_FOR_CFW

🎱 Training

  1. Prepare training data:
python data/prepare_imagenet.py

After that, we used the Real-ESRGAN method to generate LRs for the images in the test set.

python data/generate_caption.py
python data/count_clip_sim.py
  1. (Stage 1) Training of the cognitive encoder: (please revise "PATH_FOR_GT" and "PATH_FOR_LR" in the yaml)
python main.py --train --base configs/CoSeR/qformer_srresnet_imagenet_all.yaml --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --name your_name
  1. (Stage 2) Training of CoSeR: (please revise "PATH_FOR_QFORMER", "PATH_FOR_SD", "PATH_FOR_GT" and "PATH_FOR_LR" in the yaml)
python main.py --train --base configs/CoSeR/aia_512_imagenet_all_caption_clip_atten_ref.yaml --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --name your_name

💙 Acknowledgments

This project is based on StableSR. Thanks for their awesome works.