

Purescript Version Manager

:warning: NOT MAINTAINED, feel free to fork this project or use a better installation process :warning:


First, let's install psvm through npm : npm install -g psvm.

FYI, psvm will create a directory $HOME/.psvm and will work in it as the default directory. If you want to use a different directory, you can set an environment variable PSVM_HOME.

It will :

Because of the last point, it's necessary you add $HOME/.psvm/current/bin in your PATH.


Let's run psvm --help to see what we can do:

Purescript version manager

[--help, -?]        Display help about this program
[--version, -V]     Display the version of this program

Available Commands:
help                display help about this program
ls-remote           List releases available on the Purescript repo
latest              Print the latest available version of Purescript
install             Install a specific version of Purescript
use                 Use the specified installed version of Purescript
ls                  List installed versions of Purescript
current             Output the current version used of Purescript
install-latest      Install the latest version of Purescript
uninstall           Uninstall a specific version of Purescript

