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COVID-19 Korea Dataset with patient routes and visualizer


We are currently in the process of officially partnering up with the Korean CDC to bring more accurate and up-to-date data. And the most powerful tool to expedite the process is the sign of support from developers like you. So if you liked our work, please leave a :star: and share this with others. Your support makes our work meaningful. Thanks. - Isaac


<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/87324270-d4771280-c56a-11ea-9e85-6749c2c640dd.PNG">

Also checkout our Kaggle dataset.

1. COVID-19 Korea Dataset with Patient Routes

Dataset components:

  1. Patient routes (more coming!)
  2. Patient age / gender / diagnosed date

2. Epidemics & Medical Statistics

Dataset components:

  1. 22 major epidemics
  2. 16 vaccines
  3. 7 chronic diseases
  4. 5 major cancers
  5. Annual health screening results
  6. Medical facilities
  7. Population
  8. Depression & mental health
  9. Life satisfaction

3. Multi-variate & Time-scrollable Data Visualizer

Coming soon!

Key features:

  1. Displays infected patient route and regional patient count
  2. Visualizes changes in the number of patients and route with time
  3. Displays non-COVID-19 data as heatmap



How to Give Feedback

DS4C (Data Science for COVID-19) Project

  1. To reprocess information provided by KCDC and local governments for easy data analysis
  2. To find meaningful patterns by applying various data mining or visualization techniques


1) Competition

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/87323213-6f6eed00-c569-11ea-9ca0-965b984e25de.PNG" width="600">

2) Research

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/83261173-e8062e00-a1f5-11ea-9968-1259e1b704d1.PNG" width="600">

3) Media

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/83264205-bb084a00-a1fa-11ea-8e9b-ccd024985887.PNG" width="600">

4) Sponsor

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/77623631-c4b7cc00-6f83-11ea-85d8-fc0c25d28af2.PNG" width="600">

5) Partner

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50820635/89502126-72bf6680-d7ff-11ea-926b-9e7ee6d414b8.PNG" width="600">
