



Westworld is a multi-agent simulation library, its goal to simulate and optimize systems and environments with multiple agents interacting. Its inspiration is drawn from Unity software and Unity ML Agents, adapted in Python.

The goal is to be able to simulate environments in logistics, retail, epidemiology, providing pre-coded spatial environments and communication between agents. Optimization can be included using heuristics as well as Reinforcement Learning.

!!! warning "Experimental" This library is extremely experimental, under active development and alpha-release Don't expect the documentation to be up-to-date or all features to be tested Please contact us if you have any question

The name is of course inspired by the TV series Westworld, which is actually a gigantic multi-agent simulation system.


Documentation is available locally in docs folder or online at https://theolvs.github.io/westworld


Current features

Roadmap features


Install from PyPi

The library is available on PyPi via

pip install westworld

For developers

# To setup the environment
poetry install

# To run Jupyter notebook or a python console
poetry run jupyter notebook
poetry run python


Javascript version

A javascript version is being developed at https://github.com/TheoLvs/westworldjs