This project is now maintained at KU Leuven GitLab:
Installing meshmonk
MeshMonk can be built and installed on:
Using meshmonk
From Matlab
The following toolboxes are required from Matlab:
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
Setting Environment Variables
Setting the library paths inside Matlab has some unresolved problems. It seems overwriting the library paths to use inside matlab doesn't work. So instead, we'll preload the necessary libs when starting Matlab:
So start matlab from the terminal with the command LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ matlab
to make sure all the libraries are loaded.
Add two lines to your startup.m file:
p = ['usr/local/lib/'];
setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', p);
Mexing meshmonk functions
On ubuntu/mac: In matlab, go into the projects/meshmonk/matlab folder (or wherever you put the meshmonk repository) and run the mex_all.m script to mex all the meshmonk functions you need.
On Windows: In matlab, go into the Documents/GitHub/meshmonk folder (or wherever you put the meshmonk repository) and run the mex_windows_all.m script to mex all the meshmonk functions you need.
From other software
If you're creating your own c++ project and want to use meshmonk, simply add '-lmeshmonk -lOpenMeshCore -lOpenMeshTools' as an option to your linker when compiling your software that uses the meshmonk library.
-include the meshmonk.hpp header
An example of a facial registration can be found in the demo folder