

FBI Reloaded

FBI Reloaded is an improved version of FBI, an open source title manager for the 3DS.

Download: https://github.com/TheRealZora/FBI-Reloaded/releases


Build (linux)

Requires devkitARM, along with 3ds-curl, 3ds-zlib, and 3ds-jansson from the devkitPro pacman repository, to build.

Make sure that the devkitARM variable is assigned (usually DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM in your shell).

Run make install in the FBI-Reloaded directory. Directories named build and output will be created.

The directly installable CIA and 3dsx files are under output/3ds-arm/.


Banner: Originally created by OctopusRift, touched up by Apache Thunder, updated for new logo by PabloMK7.

Logo: PabloMK7

SPI Protocol Information: TuxSH (TWLSaveTool)