

Zerofox2TH: ZeroFOX Alert Feeder for TheHive

ZeroFOX is a commercial social media monitoring provider. It allows businesses to monitor several social media networks and apply policies to detect infringing and fraudulent content such as fake profiles and pages.

For a fee, the service offers an API which can be leveraged to consume this type of information and programmatically feed it as alerts to TheHive, a popular free and open source Security Incident Response Platform designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, CERTs and any information security practitioner dealing with security incidents that need to be investigated and acted upon swiftly.

Zerofox2TH is a free, open source ZeroFOX alert feeder for TheHive. You can use it to feed ZeroFOX alerts into TheHive, where they can be previewed and transformed into new cases using pre-defined incident response templates or added into existing ones.

Zerofox2TH is written in Python 3 by TheHive Project.


Zerofox2TH is made of several parts:


You'll need Python 3, the requests and pillow libraries as well as TheHive4py, a Python client for TheHive.

Clone the repository then copy the config.py.template file as config.py and fill in the blanks: proxies if applicable, API keys, URLs, accounts pertaining to your ZeroFOX subscription and your instance of TheHive. At this time, you probably won't have the API key associated with your ZeroFOX account. Complete the installation steps and run zf2th.py with the api option to retrieve it as shown below and add it to config.py.

Note: you need a valid API subscription to the ZeroFOX platform as well as TheHive 2.13 or better and an account with the ability to create alerts.

Then install the Python requirements:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Once your configuration file config.py is ready, use the main program to fetch or find ZeroFOX alerts:

./zf2th.py -h
usage: zf2th.py [-h] [-d] {api,alerts,find} ...

Retrieve ZeroFOX alerts and nd feed them to TheHive

positional arguments:
  {api,alerts,find}  subcommand help
    api              get your API key
    alerts           fetch alerts by ID
    find             find open alerts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug        generate a log file and active debug logging

The program has 3 options:

If you need debugging information, add the dswitch and the program will create a file called zf2th.log. It will be created in the same folder as the main program.

Get the API key

The first step consist of retrieving the ZeroFOX API key associated with your account.

./zf2th.py api
ZeroFOX username[]:
ZeroFOX password:

Add this to your config.py file to start fetching alerts

Now update your config.py file with the key.

Retrieve alerts specified by their ID

./zf2th.py alerts -h
usage: zf2th.py alerts [-h] ID [ID ...]

positional arguments:
  ID          get ZF alerts by ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Retrieve alerts published during the last M minutes

./zf2th.py find -h  
usage: zf2th.py find [-h] -l M [-m]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -l M, --last M  get all alerts published during the last [M] minutes
  -m, --monitor   active monitoring

Use cases

*/10    *   *   *   * /path/to/zf2th.py find -l 15
*/10    *   *   *   * /path/to/zf2th.py find -l 15 -m
*/10    *   *   *   * /path/to/zf2th.py -d find -l 15

When enabled, logs are written in the program's folder, in a file named zf2th.log.


Zerofox2TH is an open source and free software released under the AGPL (Affero General Public License). We, TheHive Project, are committed to ensure that Zerofox2TH will remain a free and open source project on the long-run.


Information, news and updates are regularly posted on TheHive Project Twitter account and on the blog.


Please see our Code of conduct. We welcome your contributions. Please feel free to fork the code, play with it, make some patches and send us pull requests via issues.


Please open an issue on GitHub if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature. We are also available on Gitter to help you out.

If you need to contact the project team, send an email to support@thehive-project.org.

Important Note:

Community Discussions

We have set up a Google forum at https://groups.google.com/a/thehive-project.org/d/forum/users. To request access, you need a Google account. You may create one using a Gmail address or without it.

