


Nuget (with prereleases) Matrix License: MIT

An open source library for visually programming on the GPU, built to enable rapid workflows and modular approaches to accelerated graphics, logic and computation.

It is built for use in vvvv gamma and follows its "always runtime" model allowing for fast design and programming work with no build or compile process in between you and your results.

Rendering uses the Stride 3D Engine integration for vvvv, allowing for game engine style PBR materials, lighting & post effects all without having to write a single script.

As a community supported effort we make it to use in real world projects and aim to share the fruits of its research & development with our peers in the creative coding and generative design communities.

Here is the preview release presentation: Release Presentation: FUSE


The library is still in a preview state. Before installing it, please make sure you have the latest vvvv gamma preview.

nuget install VL.Fuse -pre

Here is a video of the steps above: HOW TO INSTALL FUSE (from scratch)

Getting started

With vvvv gamma open, press <kbd>F1</kbd> and look for Fuse in the help browser. You'll see some explanations and howtos to get you started


Gold Sponsors


Super Backers


Tally Yalesford, Aleksei Lizunov, Shaul Tzemach, Amairu, Studio de Maan, Studio Brüll, Sebescudie, Urbandrone, C Nisidis, David Bührer, Bryan Mischling, Lorenz Potthast, Minoru Ito, Toby Knyvett, Noir, M4d, Circuitb, Karafiat, Konstantin Semilakovs, Martin Bvoerhof, Arístides García, Didi Bruckmayr, Randall Vásquez, Christine Mayerhofer, Tin Tran, Chris Plant, Metarchetype, Motzi