

Dark Souls III Cheat Table

Cheat Table Version Downloads Discord
Dark Souls III Cheat Engine table maintained by The Grand Archives.


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The Grand Archives

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Latest Release



Cheat Engine: 7.4 or newer
Game: App ver. 1.15.2

How to use


This table is not meant to be used online and you will most likely be banned if you attempt to do so.

Cheat Table (Windows)

  1. Download and install Cheat Engine either from Github or from its website
  2. Download the Cheat Table
  3. Unpack the .CT file anywhere that isn't a Windows protected folder, a recommendation would be your My Cheat Tables folder (e.g. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Cheat Tables). The default downloads folder is protected and potentially causes problems with one of the features in the table.
  4. Run the game via Steam
  5. Load the .CT file directly via double-click or selecting it and pressing enter, or launch Cheat Engine and load the .CT file via File->Load or by clicking on the folder icon
  6. Activate the "Open" script by ticking its box

Cheat Table (Linux)

I expect you to already have Steam, Wine, Proton, and the game installed

  1. Launch the game at least once via Steam to have your wine prefix set up
  2. Install protonhax (On Arch you should grab protonhax-git)
  3. Download and install the Windows version of Cheat Engine from Github or from its website using Wine
  4. Download the Cheat Table
  5. Unpack the .CT file anywhere, a recommendation would be somewhere you can easily find within the wine prefix created for the game (e.g. ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/374320/pfx/drive_c/)
  6. In Steam, set the game's launch options to protonhax init %command%
  7. Run the game via Steam
  8. Run Cheat Engine via protonhax run 374320 /path/to/Cheat\ Engine.exe in your terminal of choice or put it in a shell script (replace /path/to/ with your actual path to where you installed CE)
  9. Load the .CT file via File->Load or by clicking on the folder icon
  10. Activate the "Open" script by ticking its box


The Grand ArchivesReason
AmetalonHelp with LUA, major table contributions
CoinsworthHelp with ASM, knowledge, major table contributions
inuNoriiknowledge, table contribution/overhaul
UnfairestBan data collection, guides
GátéParam Edits, Param knowledge, fixes
LuciferParam Edits
/u/MajinCryKill all mobs in the area script
kairosPP Class contribution
PurplEItemGib dropdown contribution
VortexianInspiration for vortmov
SaucyTable contribution
amirahTable contribution
GrishMass ItemGib
sfixTable contribution
Z.ZTable contribution
heliodesicTable contribution
DasaavFunctionality reworks and additions
Reverse SoulsReason
Malcolm Reynoldsknowledge
Autopilotknowledge, some fixes
Thunder DongTutorials
Aerthas Verascontributed
RBTNew World flags, Player counter
Ainsley HarriottParam Dumps and Offsets, spreadsheet contribution, some scripts
Pavukspreadsheet and table contribution, some other stuff
LokiTable Contribution, Help with ASM
IgromanruTable contribution and maintaining the table
CE ForumReason
ZanzerBase table, helped Phokz a lot
PhokzThe creator of the main table, has implemented the most stuff.
Turk (aka Pox911)Param Patcher, Access All Bonfires, Upgrade and Shop scripts, pointer to the world flags memory region / other stuff and general help with the table (LUA and stuff)
Zullie the WitchSpStayControl (“Idle Animation”), “Slide”, “Backflip” / tones of other stuff and general help with the table.
ArkTempest (Monarch)Help with research
MephistoFor Vaccum scripts / other stuff
CielosNoclip, Disable auto follow cam, vertical cam look limit Mod
mgr.inz.PlayerItem swap helper dialog, Item ID's etc.
Matze500For “anti-AC script”
jim2point0For “fov script”.
BirdulonFor google spreadsheet with paramdef stuff
LuceChromeFor “Lock Camera State” script
RandomFromdroneVideo tutorials
KN4CK3RAwesome tool ReClass.NET, Help with C#, ASM
SilverDeathHelp with CE, ASM, IDA Pro
JeonHelp with CE, ASM, IDA Pro
terenceyaofirst fixed after the second DLC patch
/u/skzRuneStormRinged City Item ID's
dec1337some fixed after the second DLC patch