

Does It ARM

Lists of reported app support for macOS on ARM so far.

Any comments, suggestions? Let us know!. PRs welcome :)

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Additional Resources

The Apps

Apps are manually reported here and automatically reported from the internet via the Does It ARM Bot. <br> These are the manually reported apps. You can search all apps on the website.

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Developer Tools

Science and Research Software

Music and Audio Tools

Photo and Graphic Tools

Video and Motion Tools

Live Production and Performance

3D and Architecture

Productivity Tools

Entertainment and Media Apps

Social and Communication

VPNs, Security, and Privacy

System Tools

<!--- end-of-list -->

More Apple Silicon and ARM Lists

Apple Silicon Testing Tools

Youtube Apple Silicon Playlists


Unless otherwise noted, this list available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and the code is available under the Apache-2.0.

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