


Install Node Dependencies


How to Run:

  1. Download Release [link]
  2. Run From Source
  3. Build From Source

Release Downloads:

<br> <hr>

Run from Source:

Compile the Project:
Run Source:

Build Executable from Source:

1. Install Rust Dependencies

2. Build Executable

3. Run Executable


Verify Releases & Source:

Each Release will include the sha256 hashes of the binary archives. As well as a GPG signed certificate of the verification hashes. Also included are GPG signed certs. of the included Source Code as well. ./PUBLICSIGNER.asc contains the signer GPG public key Please import this key into your gpg keychain if you wish to verify signed messages

Navigate to the directory in which you downloaded the releases.

Specific Downloads:
84a5fafd21fa21f8b3ef8bd10a18a8f1c7bbcabb67477d8d6dc5d609c84b4187  release-1.0.0-linux.tar.gz
ce93915c196698a15d957a27df586b7cdf72d499eb597b19136a9148fa1eaab7  release-1.0.0-macos.tar.gz
c697d422472ebd78b388a6f3389a4659eb3f3af9a2c0380ee73c2194c1e816cf  release-1.0.0-win.tar.gz

(These hashes will be out of date. DO NOT use these examples. They are purely for visual representation. Refer to the hashes found within the SHA256SUMS.sha provided with each release.)

#User: Downloaded Linux Version.
#User: Validates Singular Hash
echo "84a5fafd21fa21f8b3ef8bd10a18a8f1c7bbcabb67477d8d6dc5d609c84b4187  release-1.0.0-linux.tar.gz" | sha256sum --check
#Console Output: 
release-1.0.0-linux.tar.gz: OK
All Files: