The fastest Tropical matrix multiplication in the world! Supported matrix element types include
- max-plus algebra:
- min-plus algebra numbers:
- max-times algebra numbers:
Please check TropicalNumbers.jl
for the definitions of these types. The BlasType
is the storage type, which could be one of Bool, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, SIMDTypes.Bit
Get started
Open a Julia REPL and type ]
to enter the pkg>
mode, and then install related packages with
pkg> add TropicalGEMM, BenchmarkTools, TropicalNumbers
Loading TropicalGEMM
module into the workspace affects the *
on Tropical matrices immediately. The following is a minimum working example
julia> using TropicalNumbers, BenchmarkTools
julia> a = Tropical.(randn(1000, 1000));
julia> @btime $a * $a;
2.588 s (6 allocations: 7.66 MiB)
julia> using TropicalGEMM
julia> @btime $a * $a;
66.916 ms (2 allocations: 7.63 MiB)
Matrix size n x n
, CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz.
The benchmark and plotting scripts could be found in the benchmarks folder.
- This package originates from the following issue:
- For applications, please check the papers listed in the CITATION.bib.