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MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation


<div align="center">👉 MotionCtrl for <b><a href="https://github.com/TencentARC/MotionCtrl/tree/svd">[SVD]</a>, for <a href="https://github.com/TencentARC/MotionCtrl/tree/main">[VideoCrafter]</a>, for <a href="https://github.com/TencentARC/MotionCtrl/tree/animatediff">[AnimateDiff]</a></b></div>

PaperarXivProject Page

🤗 HF Demo   🤗 HF Demo


🔥🔥🔥 We have released both Training and Inference code of MotionCtrl deployed on AnimateDiff

🔥🔥 We release the codes, models and demos for MotionCtrl on Stable Video Diffusion (SVD).


Official implementation of MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation.

MotionCtrl can Independently control complex camera motion and object motion of generated videos, with only a unified model.

Results of MotionCtrl+AnimateDiff

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/animatediff/sample-d971457c81bca597-Photon.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/animatediff/sample-d971457c81bca597-HelloObject.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/animatediff/sample-SPIN-LR-HelloObject.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/animatediff/sample-none_motion-swaying_0.gif", width="600"> </div>

Results of MotionCtrl+SVD

More results are in showcase_svd and our Project Page.

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/svd/00_ibzz5-dxv2h.gif", width="300"> <img src="assets/svd/01_5guvn-0x6v2.gif", width="300"> <img src="assets/svd/12_sn7bz-0hcaf.gif", width="300"> <img src="assets/svd/13_3lyco-4ru8j.gif", width="300"> </div>

Results of MotionCtrl+VideoCrafter

More results are in our Project Page.

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/hpxvu-3d8ym.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/w3nb7-9vz5t.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/62n2a-wuvsw.gif", width="600"> <img src="assets/ilw96-ak827.gif", width="600"> </div>

📝 Changelog

<!-- - [ ] ❗❗❗ ***Training Code*** will be released soon. -->

⚙️ Environment

conda create -n motionctrl python=3.10.6
conda activate motionctrl
pip install -r requirements.txt

💫 Inference

  1. Download the weights of MotionCtrl motionctrl.pth and put it to ./checkpoints.
  2. Go into configs/inference/run.sh and set condtype as 'camera_motion', 'object_motion', or 'both'.
  1. Running scripts: sh configs/inference/run.sh

🔥🔥 Training 👉 Details

Preparing Dataset

:books: Citation

If you make use of our work, please cite our paper.

  title={Motionctrl: A unified and flexible motion controller for video generation},
  author={Wang, Zhouxia and Yuan, Ziyang and Wang, Xintao and Li, Yaowei and Chen, Tianshui and Xia, Menghan and Luo, Ping and Shan, Ying},
  booktitle={ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers},

🤗 Acknowledgment

The current version of MotionCtrl is built on VideoCrafter. We appreciate the authors for sharing their awesome codebase.

❓ Contact

For any question, feel free to email wzhoux@connect.hku.hk or zhouzi1212@gmail.com.