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WCDB is an efficient, complete, easy-to-use mobile database framework used in the WeChat application. It's based on SQLite and SQLCipher, and supports five languages: C++, Java, Kotlin, Swift and Objective-C.



With ORM and WINQ, you can insert, update, query and delete objects from database in one line code:

// C++
database.insertObjects<Sample>(Sample(1, "text"), myTable);
database.updateRow("text2", WCDB_FIELD(Sample::content), myTable, WCDB_FIELD(Sample::id) == 1);
auto objects = database.getAllObjects<Sample>(myTable, WCDB_FIELD(Sample::id) > 0);
database.deleteObjects(myTable, WCDB_FIELD(Sample::id) == 1);
// Java
database.insertObject(new Sample(1, "text"), DBSample.allFields(), myTable);
database.updateValue("text2", DBSample.content, myTable, DBSample.id.eq(1));
List<Sample> objects = database.getAllObjects(DBSample.allFields(), myTable, DBSample.id.gt(0));
database.deleteObjects(myTable, DBSample.id.eq(1));
// Kotlin
database.insertObject<Sample>(Sample(1, "text"), DBSample.allFields(), myTable)
database.updateValue("text2", DBSample.content, myTable, DBSample.id.eq(1))
val objects = database.getAllObjects<Sample>(DBSample.allFields(), myTable, DBSample.id.gt(0))
database.deleteObjects(myTable, DBSample.id.eq(1))
// Swift
try database.insert(Sample(id:1, content:"text"), intoTable: myTable)
try database.update(table: myTable,
                    on: Sample.Properties.content,
                    with: "text2"
                    where:Sample.Properties.id == 1)
let objects: [Sample] = try database.getObjects(fromTable: myTable,
                                                where: Sample.Properties.id > 0)
try database.delete(fromTable: myTable where: Sample.Properties.id == 1)
// Objc
[database insertObject:sample intoTable:myTable];
[database updateTable:myTable
                where:Sample.id == 1];
NSArray* objects = [database getObjectsOfClass:Sample.class
                                         where:Sample.id > 0];
[database deleteFromTable:myTable where:Sample.id == 1];


Through the framework layer and sqlcipher source optimization, WCDB have more efficient performance.


WCDB summarizes common problems in practice to provide a more complete development experience for database development:


WCDB has interfaces in three languages: C++, Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objc. Interfaces in different languages share the same underlying logic. The code structure of WCDB is shown in the figure below:

<div align=center><img style="display:inline-block" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/Tencent/wcdb/assets/common/CodeStructure-English.png" width = 600/></div>

Under such architecture, WCDB in different languages can have the same interface structure and interface capabilities. In one project, you can write database code in different languages with one WCDB. Database logic in different languages will not conflict. Some global interfaces such as error monitoring can work on database logic in different languages at the same time.

Build and Install

Following wikies contain the detailed instructions about building and installing of WCDB.


Tutorials of different languages can be found below:


If you are interested in contributing, check out the [CONTRIBUTING.md], also join our Tencent OpenSource Plan.
