


Release version

A fast and accurate static analysis solution for C/C++, C#, Lua codes

Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TscanCode available.

Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Tencent company and TscanCode Team. All rights reserved.


TscanCode is devoted to help programmers to find out code defects at the very beginning.

Highlights in v2.15.02 (2022-04-28)

Highlights in v2.15.01 (2022-01-19)

Highlights in v2.14.24 (2018-02-24)

For other changes please refer to change log.

QQ group1(已满):
QQ group2:


Any C++11 compiler should work. For compilers with partial C++11 support it may work. If your compiler has the C++11 features that are available in Visual Studio 2015 then it will work. If nullptr is not supported by your compiler then this can be emulated using the header lib/cxx11emu.h.

There are multiple compilation choices:

Visual Studio

Use the tsancode.sln file. The file is configured for Visual Studio 2015, but the platform toolset can be changed easily to older or newer versions. The solution contains platform targets for both x86 and x64.

Select option Release to build release version.

g++ or clang++

Simple build (no dependencies):


Usage at a glance

This simple example contains a potential null pointer defect. Checking if p is null indicates that p might be null, so dereferencing p *p is not safe outside the if-scope.

// func.cpp
void func(int* p) {
    if(p == NULL) {
        printf("p is null!");

    printf("p is %d", *p);

Run TscanCode:

./tscancode --xml func.cpp 2>result.xml

Error list, result.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <error file="func.cpp" line="7" id="nullpointer" subid="dereferenceAfterCheck" severity="error" 
           msg="Comparing [p] to null at line 3 implies [p] might be null. Dereferencing null pointer [p]." />

There are more examples:

For now, codes under trunk are only for TscanCode CPP version, C# and Lua version are in the internal review process. Sorry for the inconvenience.