<img src="Screenshots/ModelRenderScreenshot.PNG" alt="Screenshot of render"/>HolyGL
A divinely inspired realtime graphics library for the TempleOS continuation ZealOS. It aims to stay true to Terry's objectives by being simple, easy to understand, and transparent.
If you need features for a project, message me at Professor#8404 on Discord.
Features in Development
- Multicore rendering.
- New software renderering pipeline for real time games.
Features Implemented
- Half-Life WAD texture loading.
- BMP texture loading and saving.
- Draw library for 2D primitives.
- Software rasterizer with custom shader support.
- Currently being rewritten, you can use an older commit if you would like to experiment with this (the new renderer will have the same user interface).
The library can be compiled by including MakeHolyGL.ZC
, found in the root
of the library. To compile on boot, append #include "Path/To/MakeHolyGL"
to the end of System/MakeSystem.ZC
If you use other Holy* libraries, make sure that this library is compiled before they are, but after HolyMath is.
DolDoc documentation with sprite diagrams is available in Docs/