

IRC Parser

Parses IRC output and returns a structured tuple/dict/list that's easier to use.

The main function of this module is the parse function. It takes in some IRC output, and generates a tuple/dict/list/object (the kwarg output in the parse function) looking like the following:

From: :irc.codetalk.io 332 Innocence #lobby :Let's all have great fun! :D To:

<pre>{ 'server': 'irc.codetalk.io', 'channel': '#lobby', 'recipient': None, 'user': None, 'type': '332', 'msg': 'Let us all have great fun! :D' }</pre>

This will indicate that a topic has been found for a channel. An example of a user action would be:

From: :Tehnix!Tehnix@ghost-EC31B3C1.rdns.scalabledns.com NICK :BlaBliBlu To:

<pre>{ 'server': None, 'channel': None, 'recipient': None, 'user': ('Tehnix', 'Tehnix', 'ghost-EC31B3C1.rdns.scalabledns.com'), 'type': 'NICK', 'msg': 'BlaBliBlu' }</pre>

Here, the user changed his nickname from 'Tehnix' to 'BlaBliBlu'.

From PING :D2FB5C1B To:

<pre>{ 'server': None, 'channel': None, 'recipient': None, 'user': None, 'type': 'PING', 'msg': 'D2FB5C1B' }</pre>

This would be a PING from the server.


Approximately 100% (or close to) of the code is covered with tests. It's tested using nosetests, but that shouldn't do much difference.

A tip, using fswatch to continuesly run the tests during development is quite handy, fswatch . 'clear && clear && nosetests'.