

Built With Analog

This repository holds the code for builtwithanalog.dev, a platform dedicated to featuring projects built with AnalogJS.


Built With Analog is a platform where developers can showcase their Analog projects. It is designed to promote all kinds of projects, providing a unique opportunity for developers to gain visibility and even earn money by featuring their paid projects.

Key Features


We welcome contributions to BuiltWithAnalog! If you would like to feature your project or contribute to the platform, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING.md for detailed guidelines on how to get started.

Thank you for your interest in BuiltWithAnalog. We look forward to seeing your amazing projects and contributions!

Analog App

This project was generated with Analog, the fullstack meta-framework for Angular.


Run npm install to install the application dependencies.


Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:5173/. The application automatically reloads if you change any of the source files.


Run npm run build to build the client/server project. The client build artifacts are located in the dist/analog/public directory. The server for the API build artifacts are located in the dist/analog/server directory.


Run npm run test to run unit tests with Vitest.
