Translating Torch model to other framework such as Caffe, MxNet ...
Torch is excelent learning&research platform for deep learning, but its model can't be easy deployed without Luajit host. This tool is a simple solution to this problem, translating Torch model to other easy deployed platform such as Caffe or Mxnet.
Directly translating Torch to Caffe (or others) is hard , we must convert Torch code to another DSL (like Caffe's prototxt) or python code(like Mxnet, Tensorflow) But translating parameters ( weights and bias) only between diffrent frmamework is an easy task. For most models in zoo, we need only translating follow modules or layers:
- Linear module's weight and bias
- Convolution module's weight and bias
- BatchNormlaization's mean and var , also including alpha and beta .
1. Translating to Caffe
CAFFE_DIR=/home/path_to/caffe luarocks make
how to use this module
local net = nn.Sequential()
net:add(nn.Linear(2, 6))
net:add(nn.Linear(6, 3))
local x = torch.ones(2) * 0.5
y = net:forward(x)
local caffeNet = transTorch.loadCaffe('./mlp.prototxt');
local l = net:get(1)
transTorch.toCaffe(l, caffeNet, "ip1")
l = net:get(3)
transTorch.toCaffe(l, caffeNet, "ip2")
transTorch.writeCaffe(caffeNet, "mlp.caffemodel")
The Caffe's module will work same as the model build by Torch. We can verify model by simple_test.cpp in test floder. See more demo code in test floder.