

Angular NativeScript Seed

Build truly web and native applications using NativeScript and Angular. This seed allows your project to share code between the environments; having complete control over dependencies.


.{html/scss}                  Recommended for Web. Does apply to both platforms when .tns equivalent does not exist.
.tns.{html/scss}              Only for mobile
.tns.ios.{html/scss}  Only for iOS
.tns.android.{html/scss}Only for Android
.tns.ios.phone.{html/scss}Only for iOS Phone
.tns.android.phone.{html/scss}Only for Android Phone

Getting Started

Web is setup from the root.

npm i

Mobile is setup from the nativescript folder.

cd nativescript
npm i

Each platform is run respective to it's folder. View available commands here:

How To's

Workspace Options

Web PreviewNative Preview


<img alt="Don Burgess" src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7612751?v=3&s=117" width="117"><img alt="Sean perkins" src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/13732623?v=3&s=117" width="117">
Don BurgessSean Perkins