

⚠️ No Longer In Development

I ended up using the JavaScript version of the Braintree SDK in my project, and therefore have never gotten back to finishing this plugin. Please check out the fork which is located at: https://github.com/engineerapart/cordova-plugin-braintree

Braintree Cordova Plugin

This is a Cordova plugin for the Braintree mobile payment processing SDK.

This version of the plugin uses versions 4.14.0 (iOS) and 2.12.0 (Android) of the Braintree mobile SDK. Documentation for the Braintree SDK can be found here. Before start using this plugin please read that documentation.

This plugin is still in development.


Be sure, that plist and xcode npm module is installed:

    npm install plist
    npm install xcode

To add the plugin to your Cordova project, first remove the iOS platform, install the latest version of the plugin directly from git, and then re-add iOS platform

    cordova platform remove ios
    cordova plugin add https://github.com/taracque/cordova-plugin-braintree
    cordova platform add ios


The plugin is available via a global variable named BraintreePlugin. It exposes the following properties and functions.

All functions accept optional success and failure callbacks as their last two arguments, where the failure callback will receive an error string as an argument unless otherwise noted.

A TypeScript definition file for the JavaScript interface is available in the typings directory as well as on DefinitelyTyped via the tsd tool.

Initialize Braintree Client

Used to initialize the Braintree client. The client must be initialized before other methods can be used.

Method Signature:

initialize(token, successCallback, failureCallback)


Example Usage:

var token = "YOUR_TOKEN";

    function () {
        console.log("init OK!");
    function (error) { console.error(error); });

As the initialize code is async, be sure you called all Braintree related codes after successCallback is called!

Show Drop-In Payment UI

Used to show Braintree's drop-in UI for accepting payments.

Method Signature:

presentDropInPaymentUI(options, successCallback, failureCallback)


Example Usage:

var options = {
    amount: "49.99",
    primaryDescription: "Your Item"

BraintreePlugin.presentDropInPaymentUI(options, function (result) {

    if (result.userCancelled) {
        console.debug("User cancelled payment dialog.");
    else {
        console.info("User completed payment dialog.");
        console.info("Payment Nonce: " + result.nonce);
        console.debug("Payment Result.", result);

Apple Pay (iOS only)

Do not turn on Apple Pay in Braintree if you don't have Apple Pay entitlements. To allow ApplePay payment you need to initialize Apple Pay framework before usign the Drop/In Payment UI. Read Braintree docs to setup Merchant account: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/apple-pay/configuration/ios/v4#apple-pay-certificate-request-and-provisioning

Method Signature: setupApplePay(options)


Example Usage:

BraintreePlugin.setupApplePay({ merchantId : 'com.braintree.merchant.sandbox.demo-app', country : 'US', currency : 'USD'});

ApplePay shown in Drop-In UI only if BraintreePlugin.setupApplePay called before BraintreePlugin.presentDropInPaymentUI