


This module provides a wrapper round the 7zip 7z.dll allowing easy(ish) access to the contents of an archive.

AS this is a DLL you need to load it as an archive.

Archive* CreateArchive();

This creates an archive handler. The following methods are available:

bool Archive::isValid() const;

Returns false if there was a problem initialising 7zip. This probably means the system can't find 7z.dll or it's corrupt, very old (or possibly too new). You should call this before calling open!

bool Archive::open(QString const &archiveName, PasswordCallback *passwordCallback)

This attempts to open the specified archive file. It should manage to open pretty much anything 7zip recognises. It returns true on success.

Once you have opened, the archive, you will want to find out what files are in it, and to extract them.

To find out what files there are, you call

bool Archive::getFileList(FileData* const *&data, size_t &size)

Supply a reference to a FileData pointer and a reference to a location to contain the number of entries. This will usually return true if you succesfully opened the archive. You then manipulate the FileList to control which files to extract and what names to give them.

Error Archive::getLastError() const

Gets the error code associated with the last error.

bool Archive::extract(QString const &outputDirectory, ProgressCallback *progressCallback,
                      FileChangeCallback* fileChangeCallback, ErrorCallback* errorCallback)

Extract files from the current archive (see getFileList) into outputDirectory. During the extraction:

Note that if you do not wish to deal with a specific callback, simply pass nullptr.

After the extract returns, you may call getFileList again to get a clean copy of the file list so you can extract different files from the archive (this is what the fomod installer does).

void Archive::cancel();

Call this from any of the callbacks to cancel a running extraction. This will cause extract to return false and getLastError to return ERROR_EXTRACT_CANCELLED.

void Archive::close();

Closes the current archive and release any resources associated with it.

The FileData class

As you have seen above, the getFileList method returns a pointer to an array of entries about all the files in the archive. Each FileData entry supports the following methods

QString getFileName() const

This returns the name of the file in the archive.

void addOutputFileName(QString const &fileName)

Adds a secondary (or tertiary...) output location for this file. This needs to be specified relative the the outputDirectory passed to extract.

std::vector<QString> getAndClearOutputFileNames()

Returns the list of output filenames for this file, then clears it. This is normally used inside the extract function.

uint64_t getCRC() const

Returns the CRC stored for the file, in case you wish to check it.

bool isDirectory() const

Directory entries get stored in the archive as well as normal files.