

ResumeFX (JavaFX Webview of jsonresume files)

License: GPL v3 Build Status Quality Gate Status

ResumeFX renders a JavaFX view of .json file that follows jsonresume.org standard and has the necessary configuration to be embedded in the web browser thanks to JPro.

You can view a production example with my own resume here: https://cv.tangorabox.com

The architecture style follows MVVM with minimal and very clean code thanks to the help of my own JavaFX micro-framework library.

JSON file loading and validation have been delegated to a third-party library to speed up development.

For the graphic icons, I have used FontAwesomeFX library.

In the test folder, I wrote some classes to prototype each component, and I have used CSSFX and my own Component-Inspector to speed up CSS style prototyping.



Java 11 or higher is required.

JSON file Limitations


If you want to contribute to upgrade this project with new features or fixing bugs, you're welcome, please make a pull request.


<a href="https://github.com/garzy" target="_blank">GaRzY</a>
<a href="https://github.com/garzy" target="_blank">github.com/garzy</a>


Reach out to me at one of the following places!


License: GPL v3