



A starter repo for writing E2E tests based on Cucumber(7) with Playwright using Typescript.

The Why

Read or watch.

Can we use XXX from playwright in the playwright-cucumber project?

The playwright-cucumber project started when playwright was a browser automation library. It did not have a test runner, hence cucumber-js was used as the test runner and PW used for the automation. Since then PW added their amazing PW test library which is a test runner. But, sadly, it overlaps the functionality provided by cucumber-js. Therefore you need to make the decision now of which runner you want to run: cucumber for BDD style tests or PW test for “normal” tests. Some of the features provided by PW test are also available in cucumber-js, such as parallel run and different configurations (profiles in cucumber-js terms), but may require a different configuration.


This repository is based on the Cucumber-typescript-starter repo.

What's inside


Create a repo based on this template and start writing your tests.

To run your tests

npm run test or npx cucumber-js runs all tests npm run test <feature name> or npx cucumber-js <feature name> run the single feature

Browser selection

By default we will use chromium. You can define an envrionment variable called BROWSER and set the name of the browser. Available options: chromium, firefox, webkit

On Linux and Mac you can write:

BROWSER=firefox npm run test or BROWSER=firefox npx cucumber-js runs all tests using Firefox

One Windows you need to write

set BROWSER=firefox
npm run test

Working with Page Objects

I am not fond of the Page Object Model (POM) for testing. It feels like a leftover from Java world, and I do not think it fits the Javascript world. However, you can check this PR to see POM implementation.

Debugging Features

From CLI

In Visual Studio Code

To stop the feature, you can add the Then debug step inside your feature. It will stop your debugger.

To choose a reporter

The last reporter/formatter found on the cucumber-js command-line wins:

--format summary --format @cucumber/pretty-formatter --format cucumber-console-formatter

In cucumber.mjs file, modify the options.

To use Allure reporting, you can run with env param: USE_ALLURE=1, and then use the npm run allure to show the report.

To ignore a scenario

To check for typescript, linting and gherkin errors

To view the steps usage

To view the html report of the last run

At least in Lubuntu 20.04 to open the html report

To view allure report