


A Svelte plugin for paginating your data in no time.


npm install -D svelte-paginate


  import { paginate, LightPaginationNav } from 'svelte-paginate'

  let items = [...]
  let currentPage = 1
  let pageSize = 4
  $: paginatedItems = paginate({ items, pageSize, currentPage })

<ul class="items">
  {#each paginatedItems as item}
    <li class="item">

  on:setPage="{(e) => currentPage = e.detail.page}"

In this example, we're paginating the data in the items list. Instead of displaying the list directly, we first pass it into the paginate function to return a subset of the list that we should display based on the current page and the page size.

Since we've defined paginatedItems as a computed data, it should update the displayed paginated items whenever the currentPage changes.

To navigate between pages you can either create your own navigation component or use one of the navigation components that come with svelte-paginate (such as <PaginationNav/>, <LightPaginationNav/>, or <DarkPaginationNav/>). Either way, you just need a way to update currentPage.


For this component to work, it needs to know:

This will display all page links in the navigation. If you want to limit the maximum number of the displayed links, use the limit prop.


This prop takes a number that specifies how many items to display on each side. If you give it 1, for example, your nav will look like this:

1 … 4 5 6 … 13

In this case, 5 is the active page, and it has one page on each side, 4 and 6.

Let's see another example. This is how it will look if limit = 2:

1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 13

In this example, 6 is the active page, and it has two pages on each side.

You can disable limit by setting it to null, which is the default value.


If you set this prop to true, it will display the previous and next arrows on the navigation.

Customizing the styling of the navigation component

svelte-paginate comes with two themed navigation components: <LightPaginationNav/> and <DarkPaginationNav/>. Both components use <PaginationNav/> as the base navigation component. They are just modifying its CSS.

If you want to create your own version, wrap the <PaginationNav/> with a div and then use the following CSS selector:

Customizing the options of the navigation component

You can also change the content of each option type through slots. For example, if you want to display page numbers using this format: Page: {pageNumber}, you can do this:

  <span slot="number">
    Page: {pageNumber}

So using the number slot with its value, you can update how page numbers are displayed. Here's a list for the other option types:
