


LiveRe comment system for docsify.

Chinese docs: 中文文档

LiveRe is an awesome comment system.

Feature of LiveRe


You can see the demo of docsify-livere here

The demo site has also installed another plugins docsify-twemoji


Get your data-uid

If you've not have a livere account yet, click here to register.

You can got your data-uid in Code Managing page as following figure:

Configure index.html

Please include the following js code in the appropriate location on the index.html

  window.$docsify = {
      plugins: [
        function (hook, vm) {
          // load livere
          hook.beforeEach(function(content) {
              var comment = "<div id='lv-container' data-id='city' data-uid='please_change_it'></div>\n\n----\n"
              return content + comment;

          hook.doneEach(function() {
             (function(d, s) {
                 var j, e = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
                 if (typeof LivereTower === 'function') { return; }
                 j = d.createElement(s);
                 j.src = 'https://cdn-city.livere.com/js/embed.dist.js';
                 j.async = true;
                 e.parentNode.insertBefore(j, e);
             })(document, 'script');

And please replace please_change_it with your data-uid.