

Amazing Upscale Node Workflow for DIT Model

This workflow is designed for simple logic amazing upscale nodes in the DIT model. It supports common applications for Flux, Hunyuan, and SD3. The workflow tiles the initial image into smaller pieces, uses an image-interrogator to extract prompts for each tile, and performs an accurate upscale process. This approach minimizes hallucinations and ensures proper condition handling.

We hope you enjoy using it!


1. Image Tile Batch Node

This node cuts an image into pieces automatically based on your specified width and height. It also records the necessary information for further processing.

WidthThe width of each tile.
HeightThe height of each tile.
ImageThe image to be tiled.

Node View:

Image Tile Batch Node

2. Image Assembly Node

This node reassembles image tiles back into a complete image while preventing visible lines between the tiles. It operates in pixel mode.

TilesInput the tiled image batch. Replace individual tiles if needed.
PositionPaired with the Image Tile Batch Node.
Original SizePaired with the Image Tile Batch Node.
Grid SizePaired with the Image Tile Batch Node.
PaddingThe padding value used to merge the image pieces.

Node View:

Image Assembly Node

3. Tile Image Size Node

This node calculates the resolution of each tile based on the original image dimensions and your specified width/height factors.

Width FactorDivides the image width into equal parts.
Height FactorDivides the image height into equal parts.

For example: A width factor of 2 and a height factor of 3 will divide the image into 6 equal tiles.

Node View:

Tile Image Size Node

4. Coordinate Splitter Node

This node converts position information into coordinates and connects them to the corresponding positions.

Node View:

Coordinate Splitter Node

5. Cond to Batch Node

This node converts condition lists into batches. It is reserved for future functionality expansion and connects to the conditions.

Node View:

Cond to Batch Node

6. Condition Merge Node

This node merges all tiled conditions into one and prepares them for building the final image. It connects to the Coordinate Splitter Node and Cond to Batch Node.

Node View:

Condition Merge Node


Pixel Example (Recommended)

Pixel Example Workflow

Latent Example

Latent Example Workflow

ControlNet Tile Integration

This workflow supports ControlNet Tile for enhanced upscaling. Here's an example of using tiles with the Hunyuan DIT model:

Tile ExampleHugging Face Tile
Hunyuan 1.2Download Hunyuan 1.2

Workflow Example:

Hunyuan Example Workflow

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